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And Maybe, After Awhile, Everything Will Fall Together

Parts of AiTenshi Blog




Back For Seconds

      February 9th, 2003

          Art's going to ask Nikki to the prom. Hmm.. I must say, I am a little disappointed, considering how he told me he liked me a week ago. He probably already figured out that I was going to say no, which I would have. But still. He could've at least shown the courtesy to ask. But, as heartbreaking this all seems to be, I think I'll somehow manage to get over it. Yes, Art may be slow, but he's not stupid. I commend him for that.
          Chemistry is getting to be such a pain in my ass. I have a 78% in that class, I think. I thought i was doing so well, too. But I'm also missing 3 assignments, which could end up being the whole reason why. I have a 95% in government, though. The class I don't even care about. The one I hate more than all others combined. But hey, whatever. I've got a 95!
          And, speaking of accomplishments, I've also managed to get out and run for a mile or so. It felt good. Really, it did. And I'm not in as bad of shape as I had thought. Maybe I'll run tomorrow, too




So Here I Am

      February 8th, 2003

          I think this is going to be the first time I ever write without looking for the feedback. Here I know it's a little difficult to get notes for every entry. Especially since there isn't as much traffic coming in and out of this site. But maybe it will build up over time. And if it doesn't, at least I have a reliable outlet for what I'm thinking and feeling.
          Winter homecoming was last night, but I stayed home. I never go to these big schoolwide events. I guess I'm too shy to go. No, I'm not shy. Or not in my mind, anyway. I just don't like so many people surrounding me. Saying stupid things. Acting stupid ways. No, not what I look forward to. I've never been a fan of large get togethers. My friends go bowling on Friday, I sit at home. Occassionally I'll go and see what's going on, but it always ends in a bad time. So I don't even know why I try any more.
          And now, tonight, I'm sitting here, rather lonely to say the least. No one is online to talk to and I'm not really desperate enough to get up and call anyone. So here I am, bithching and complaining about how I'm bored and blah blah blah. I'll get over it eventually. I hope.