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All the taxies horns have sounded their retreat.
The wind is down to nothing but a *whisper* in the street.
And now as you lay sleeping, I'll take a moment just to tell
you all the things I never say when your awake.

"Thank-You" for the ~rassberries~ this morning
and "Thank-You" for the ~orange marmalade~,
and last night--Let me say when you might have gone away,
"Thank-You" very much because you stayed.

"Thank-You" for the sun you brought this morning,
even though the sky was full of clouds
and "Thank-You" for the way you held
me yesterday and steered me through the
noisy Paris crowds.

I can't look ahead to the future
and I'm too old to run home to the past,
so now while you sleep beside me
I'll do what I am to make this moment last.

"Thank-You" for another *special* morning
and "Thank-You" for an even better day
and "Thank-You" in advance if theres even
half a chance you'll stay one more morning,
one more DAY!

Author Unknown

Ten Suggestions for a Brighter Future

1.) Realize that life isn't always fair. Accept what
you must, and change what you can.

2.) Think before you act. A moment of carelessness
or anger can cause years of anguish and regret.

3.) Look for beauty in life, in people,
in nature, and in yourself.

4.) Appreciate what you have: the people
the opportunities, and the material possessions.

5.) Make the effort to have fun: it's a
great way to bond with others, and
it makes some of the best memories.

6.) Set aside some time for yourself. Do something
you enjoy without feeling even a little guilty.

7.) Accept others without judgement. Everyone is unique,
and it's okay to be different.

8.) Forgive. Bitterness and resentment hurt you more
than the person you direct them at.

9.) Learn. Open your mind to new ideas and activities,
and don't be afraid to try.

10.) Dream. Make plans, believe in yourself, and
go for what you want.

James Cage

Please be a *sweetie* and sign
my dreambook!

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