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Ways To Lose Weight Today

1. Decide to. That's the most simple, and most difficult thing you can do. Just decide to. I've visited dozens of web sites where the person has started off with great intentions, but then I go to their journal of food they eat. Breakfast - two chocolate chip bagels with butter, and an apple! Wow, you ate an apple. You also ate a pound of lard. We've all done it, but you know what, you don't have to.

2. Move. Same thing, I go to these sites, and they say things like, "I will start walking when I lose 30 pounds, because right now I'm too fat." Well, guess what? You always will be. If you are not paralyzed, you can move. Don't worry about going at 80% or whatever, just move. Any little movement is something to build on.

3. Stop worrying about water intake. If it's one thing that drives me nuts about weight loss sites, it's the focus on water. Water is good, I know, so drink 6 to 8 glasses a day or more. It will flush you out and help with the fat. But water is not going to save you - moving will and thinking about what you put in your mouth will. As for that, "Have a glass of water to supress your appetite" B.S., that is a bunch of crap and you know it. It never supressed shit for me.

4. Get rid of the red meat, pork, and processed foods. This is a tough one. But you know what? I did it, and I was as bad or worse than you are right now. Instead, try texturized vegetable protein. That stuff was made and packaged by God, I'm sure. It is going to save my life.

5. Fruit and vegetables as snacks. You know this already.

6. Set attainable goals. If you think you will lose 100 pounds in four months, you are setting yourself up to fail miserably. I'm going with 5 pounds a month as my goal. So far I'm destroying that, but our body holds a lot of fluid. If you don't believe me, look at my photos from August 1st to August 13th. I had more fluid than Coca-Cola, Inc. I expect to plateau. I'm prepared. I have a plan, and I'm sticking to it.

7. Stop thinking, "I have too far to go." Maybe you have to lose 10 pounds. Maybe 210. Maybe 410. You know what? You have to start somewhere. What will happen if you don't? Here's what I think every day when I wake up: I will never feel worse than I do right now. Do you know how simple, yet profound, that is? Think about it.

8. Don't listen to people, or even yourself when you hear, "I am at the point where I just want to accept myself for who I am - a fat person, and proud of it." I call B.S. - I've said those words. I've cheered when fat lobbyists have said those words. But it's crap. Society is not going to change. Your comfort level with your fat is not going to change. The only thing that is going to change is your status as a living person. Please don't email me saying I hate fat people. I don't hate fat people. I AM fat people. I just don't want to be dead people. Anyone who tells you that you can be a healthy morbidly obese person is lying and in a state of denial. Want proof? Go run a triathlon. People do that all the time. How many people my size (378) do you see in the Olympics? None. Don't give me that shot-putter nonsense, either. Those boys are not typical human beings.

I told you I didn't pull any punches. I'm a man of my word.

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