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July 6, 2001

Happy belated fourth to you all. I'm falling behind.

I've decided I absolutely adore my job... I mean, what other job have you heard of for the summer can you sit and play with books all day and basically do what you want for 9 bucks an hour? Let me know if you think of anything!


July 9, 2001

Today I decided to start the tedius process of simplifying my life. One of those things that I am so guilty of is making a big deal out of a nothing, and making the simple complex. I neeeeed to ammend my thinking, and rid myself of the clutter in material and in nonmaterial. I think, once my room is completely cleared, I'm going to set up a corner for meditation, with a mat, and my tape player, so I can have a little place where I can relax. I want things SIMPLE yet beautiful. But I know its going to be a major challenge. I'm going to have trouble parting with things... I'm a big 'things' person. I don't like throwing away ANYTHING, let alone the things that I've been attached to. soo.. I'll give updates about how my toil is going... It should be an interesting thing to follow.

It really is true, that the simple things are the best things. Right now, I have a memory in my head that happened this weekend, and its so simple, but so meaningful for me. Its one of those things that I can think about when I'm sad or upset and it will never fail to cheer me up, because it was simple yet touching, and I'm going to keep it close to my heart.

Whats simple is true.


July 15, 2001

TONIGHTS the NIGHT!!! Everybody watch! First part of Mists of Avalon! TNT, 8:00 pm. Then its tomorrow also (Second part) at 8:00 pm. They're both repeated at 10:00 and 12:00 too, so if you're up late, feel free to go wild. I'm happy as a kid in a candy store!


july 20, 2001

Just a random thought......

How do we know that what we taste is the same as what other people taste when we eat the same things? Theres no real way of knowing, unlike other senses. I mean, we say that something 'tastes like orange', but how do we know that what I think oranges taste like is the same as what you think oranges taste like? then again, what about smell? we really don't know if we all smell the same... and color! color is subjective too! oi... Its staggering to think that we could all percieve things differently.

I'm probably going to Josh's mothers wedding. Hmmm...


July 21, 2001

One of those days when you're mind just wanders, and things enter and exit your mind faster than anything could possibly register... Thinking about the good things that exist in this world, the things that we are constantly overlooking, while we're too busy dwelling on whats wrong, or what we percieve as wrong. Thinking about those flying things... the ones that look like racing wheelchairs attached to a parachute, and flying around my back yard at 7 this morning... thinking about color, the mind, and why people chose to be unhappy. why does it always seem that those that are so unhappy overlook what should make them happy? If we just look around us, and think about our lives in an objective way, it becomes obvious how much we really have in this world and how much we should be thankful for. As much as I hate to see people unhappy, I hate even more to see people who could and should be happy be sad.

I've gone back to cutting eyes out of magazines. I just cant seem to escape that little habit. They're all so beautiful, no matter what color, gender, age, race... I think that eyes are singularly beautiful.

I'm on the outside. I'm looking in.

I believe I am a truly lucky person. I hope that I have no misconseptions about where I stand in life and what I can acomplish. There are things in my world that are so beautiful and special to me, I can't help but continually be happy that I have them.

red red red. red red please.


July 29, 2001

Definately an interesting weekend, and very good at that. I'm glad I went, despite the one... oddity? at the wedding. yes, well, to each their own. And...

Huka huka huka.... Lobster.


July 31, 2001

I've decided that everyone in the world can be classified into three categories. I've realized, of course, that my philosophy doesn't work everywhere. Say, NYC. You'll see why in a minute when I get around to talking about it. Anyway, people can be grouped generally into three categories, Kind of like the type A type B personality thing. Instead, my philosophy and psychological study looks at how strangers react to one another when they pass each other while walking. See why it depends on where you are? In NYC, people act differently than they would on the wellesley campus, where I've been testing my idea. Anyhoo (Again, sorry all you with ADD) There are three types I've observed: Type 1: People who do anything to avoid contact, be it eye, verbal, what have you, with others as they pass. Strategies include, looking to the side, pretending to cough, looking at a watch, and just simply looking at the sidewalk. Type 2: (which happens to include myself) People who smile at people as they pass. The tricky part for type 2s is trying to avoid contact until the vital moment, when the smile occurs. This is very difficult, and some of the same strategies are used as type 1s. Type 3: (the rarest kind) People who say hello. I've only met about 2 type 3s while walking around the wellesley campus and beyond. and I've done a LOT of walking. They have similar difficulties as type 2s, but seem to have an easier time with it. Another interesting thing to mention, is how when a type 2 incounters a type 3, they say hello, but are surprised. Type 1s don't change, and type 3s tend to realize that type 1s don't want any contact, and therefore don't say hello. Its been really fun testing my idea out on people. I kind of keep score. I had three type 2 encounters today, and numerous type 1s. The last type 3 I saw was last week. (:: realizes that the people reading this most likely care little ::) So We have a new hobby, along with the eyes... one which is a LITTLE less... unusual? maybe.

I work with about 7 college students at my job. They all are pretty quiet people, and we pretty much have refrained from talking all that much. But every once in a while, one of my co-workers comes to a startling conclusion. Heres an example:

Mei: (pronounced Mee-yay) So, you're going to be a first year next year, right?
Me: No, actually, I'm going to be a senior in high school.
Mei: Wow, really? How old are you?
Me: I'm 17.
Mei: Really? Thats so weird! High school seems so far away... And 17 seems so young! I thought you were at LEAST 18 or 19.

Rinse and repeat at least once a week, with a different co-worker. It seems so funny... Why do they constantly mistake me for older than I am? I should be flattered, and I suppose I am. But I don't understand it particularly. But thats the essence of human behavior, not understanding.

I have a weird bruise on my shoulder that I think I got from carrying a heavy bag when I was away this weekend. It looks weird, and it really scared me. I had just found a HUGE tick crawling on my leg not 15 minutes before, and I had visions of lyme disease dancing in my head. Ive been doing that a lot recently, the whole hypocondirac thing. Mostly, as is my nature, with other people. I guess an active imagination fueled by Mr. King helps that along a bit. I'm reading Insomnia right now, and I can see the little bald doctors cutting balloon strings. (not that you'll probably understand that). I keep thinking about fate and how we never really know what is coming for us, or when. SCARY THOUGHT! lol.

I became obsessive this week with lisening to specific songs on my lovely new discman... OVER AND OVER AND OVER! I'm a twisted soul when it comes to music. I like it good and repeated as much as I can stand. I guess I'm the same way with everything!

This weekend's Province Town... I can't wait, should be fun. Just hope they don't get totally sick of me by the end of this month. You'll tell me right?
