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Au Contraire Speaks — Profile

Name:  Meliora Volens

Location:  Seattle, WA
Birthday:  7 February, 1962
Bio:  Meliora Volens Bitch Mother of the Universe Self-proclaimed, of course, however my 15 year old daughter will happily verify any of the ?bitch? parts for you without hesitation, if there?s any doubts. I *will* admit to an extraordinary amount of extroverted charisma, arrogance and some might claim, ?common sense.? For an in depth look into my ordinary perspectives and mundane tribulations, or just to see excellent ?Erotic Art? Photography taken by Gene Le Maistre and my allegedly ?middle-aged? naked body; please keep your pop-up blockers and spybot detectors activated and tour my following sites: Home Page: Secret Blog -- This is the only place anywhere on the internet this blog link information appears; if you happened upon it by any other means then you were meant to find it for a special reason. I hope you contact me and let me know; I always like to hear I've influenced someone else without knowing you at all first. :D Email: Messenger: mvolens -- Yahoo Messenger Anything more than what you can discover about me through my own sites and links and public conduct and fiction or other ?art? I might show to the world probably came from knowing me personally. If that?s true, I?m probably your best friend and we chat all the time online and you adore me and don?t need to hear *me* tell you how great a person or friend I think I am to *you* or anyone on the planet, right? Cool, following my best instincts too. Yes, I *will* create a custom ?art? piece for you and/or your loved one(s); it would be my sincere pleasure. Thank you kindly for your every generosity and encouragement; I am absolutely grateful for it all.
Interests:  Writing, designing, creating wearable art (generally handfasting and other lifestyle oriented "jewelry"), avid Myst Series, Sims 1 Series, and Sims Online player.
Blog Created:  Tuesday, 26 October 2004
Last Updated:  Tuesday, 26 June 2012 - 12:17 PDT
Blog Entries:  125

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