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Work Bullshit

Im so fucking sick of my job. its not that the work is hard because its not. and i dont have beef with most of my fellow employees. but theres this one kid i cannot stand at all. his names Jon and hes a decent employee for the most part. but see.....hes like best friends with the manager Shirley. so he gets alot of liberties that the rest of us dont. like he gets an hour lunch when the rest of us get a half hour if that. and her daughter comes in and he goes and talks to her for a half hour. so in an 8 hour shift he maybe works 5 if that. its bullshit. and we've been getting our hours cut yet his havent fact have gone up. and then me and him talk and he'll go around and tell all these stories from what we said.....but he over excentuates everything. so he makes me look like i whine all the time when all i do is simply talk. and a few month ago i had this girl slap me for beating up her now he walks around talking about me getting "bitch smacked" which isnt what happened at all. so he makes me look bad and now everyone mocks me for it and shit.....not cool at all. im a whoop his ass one day.....just u wait. and then there's the girls. see at night theres these really cute girls that work but none of em will talk to me at all.....guess im not cute enough for that. its really annoying too cause they'll talk to Justis who's like 200 lbs and stupid but since im nice and quiet and respectful i get nothing from em. so now i hate working nights cause they wont even look at me. makes me feel fucking ugly as i dont already have a bad self-image problem. Discount Drug Mart blows. and then Jeff.....shit i cant stand that mothafucka. he does all this shit but expects me to clean up after him since he dont do it right to begin with. its annoying when he leaves me a weeks worth of paperwork knowing that im gonna do it cause i hate being behind on anything. and the he bullshits with people all day. the kid barely works but they keep him on. i wish he'd get fired not only cause he pisses me off.....but i think i get a raise for taking over his position. so i wish alot would change there. and these fucking stockers at night suck ass. it takes them like 5 hours to do what me and jeff can do in 2 hours in the morning. then what they do get done isnt right. they put product all over the place regardless of if its even lose to where it goes. they fucking suck as employees and what blows more is that they get the hours that are being cut from the good employees there. like they are worth the hours they do get.....much less more hours. fuck them people.....they can suck a dick.