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July- August-September

07-05-02 Its not a good idea to feed Ginger poptarts. --------------------------------------------------------- 07/07/02 Ahh. Vodka, rain, french fries and balloon animals. What a perfect evening... --------------------------------------------------------- 08/03/02 The people inside the TV will not tell you where I am. --------------------------------------------------------- 08/09/02 And so, I have a crush... no no no Jason, its not who you think. My G informs me he is a very nice boy. Thats terrific. ~sighs~ But, could he ever like me? I suppose I will ponder on that one until I am aware. 08/09/02 Oh yeah, I have a job!!! --------------------------------------------------------- 08/14/02 "I am painfully gay" Yeah go You! ~smiles~ "Lydia, where'd you get that from" -as she pukes- Fun JT ISN'T GAY Sorry, JT I apoligize. Umm yeah... And numerous other hilarious comments I can't think of. Friday will be fun. I will soooooo try to snag the video camera. Peace Love and Spagettios 09/20/02 ooooooH! Spooky, an abandoned house... Hopefully all goes well tonight. AND Lisa might be there... I work with Jeremy Saturday and Sunday. That is grrrrreat! Hoorah! I have a friend. Tonight should be fun. BYE SUMMER! --------------------------------------------------------- 08/21/02 Dont it suck when you have huge plans and everything is going to work out perfect. But then one person. Decides to pick and choose over stupid things and fuck everything up. Yea, Fuck You. Anyways... Nate gives me an A for effort. --------------------------------------------------------- 08/22/02 School is fun... yep you know it. I think Ive been doing a pretty good job keeping this updated So you readers better give me props. Huggies ultra trim commercials are sooooo cute. Dustin----- AH HAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA AH HAHA Sucha funny guy... SO so so funny. --------------------------------------------------------- 09-01-02 Mmmmmm. Life is grand. RARRRRRRRR!!!!!!! "but its calm under the waves, in the blue of my oblivion" Pressure, lots of pressure. I wonder where each road would lead. 1. Hot, dont know her. Makes me nervous. Outcome: Girlfriend. 2. Not hot, but not ugly. Makes me Comfortable. Outcome: Temporary. 3. Beautiful, sweet, great, I dont feel awkward. Outcome: Terrific Friendship and Possible Great Relationship. 4. Very Cute, kinda odd, but nice, and caring. Outcome: Great Relationship but Not As Good Friendship. --------------------------------------------------------- 09/02/02 beautiful beautiful, you’re beautiful, as beautiful as the sun wonderful, you’re wonderful, as wonderful as they come and i can’t help but feel attached to the feeling i can’t even match with my face pressed up to the glass, wanting you beautiful, you’re beautiful, as beautiful as the sky wonderful, you’re wonderful, to know you’re just like i and i’m sure you know me well, as i’m sure you don’t but you just can’t tell who’ll you love and who you won’t and i love you, as you love me so let the clouds roll by your face we’ll let the world spin onto another place we’ll climb the tallest tree above it all to look down on you and me and them and i’m sure you know me well, as i’m sure you don’t but you just can’t tell, who you’ll love and who you won’t don’t let your life wrap up around you don’t forget to call, whenever i’ll be here just waiting for you i’ll be under your stars forever neither here nor there just right beside you i’ll be under your stairs forever neither here nor there just right beside you :::I want to be much then more, while I watch you:::