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Our First Home
Our First Home
We decided a few months ago to buy a home and to get out of this ghetto apartment we live in now. We were convinced that we were going to build so we started looking at neighborhoods to build in. This house is in Summerfield that our real estate agent showed us, telling us that it was the only one in this neighborhood for sale (every lot in Summerfield sells within a week) and the contract was kinda shaky so she just wanted us to take a look at it so we can see what this builder's work looks like. It so happened that the people who were having it built, backed out of the contract 2 days before and decided to build in Summerville instead. The builder was about to place this house back on the market, but once we looked around it we loved it. It had everything Matt and I was looking for! There are so many upgrades in this house and the price was right! (We already have equity in it and we don't close until the 18th of October) It is less than a mile from where we live now, so not a far move and still in the same zip code. Our new address will be 7877 High Maple Circle so everyone should come visit sometime! It is 4 bedrooms and 1750 square feet so we have plenty of room for guests! Our friend Dreama is moving in with us, but almost everyone knows her anyway since she's been my best friend for over 15 years now! We will start moving in on the 22nd and 23rd of October and we 3 cannot wait to do so!! Everyday we get more and more excited (even though we're going broke and may have to sell Matt on Ebay just to make closing costs! HA!) He's not a man of much emotion, but he's been so cute with all of this here lately. It took us spending over 2 hours at the new house today measuring everything and planning where to put our things, to finally get him to pack a box! Ha ha! Now he's full force and doesn't want to quit! Dream and I have been selling everything we own on Ebay to help with closing costs, purchasing a refrigerator and blinds, plus she's been over here just about every night in the last 2-3 weeks helping list ebay items, get them ready for shipping and helping me pack up things. I have no idea what I would have done without her, she's been such a big help! Dreama rocks! Well, I hope everyone enjoys the pictures and let me know if you want more and when you're coming to visit! Love all you guys! -The Hunters (Matt and Kimm)
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A Week Ago.... 
This was taken 10/1 and the house isn't too far from being done....they need to hurry. 18 more days til closing.

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