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"LEAN ON ME 2005"
"LEAN ON ME 2005"
Hi Everyone, I want to thank you all for making this the most wonderful farewell/birthday I have ever had. All the gifts and cards are just perfect. I will treasure everyone for the rest of my life. I don't know what I would have done without all of you being there for me whenever I needed you. I especially want to thank Sandra for all those times when she made me laugh. Beatrice for all the times she had to put up with me. Norma Mejia for all the continuous support she has shown to me. Laurie for always being there to listen to me. Crystal for her loving, caring, and generous heart. Norma Garcia for helping me when I was down on my luck. Christina for the laughter and happiness she brought to all of us. Diane for all those times she never gave up on me. Bryan for all the amazing support and friendship you have given to all of us. Linda for all her kindness and support. Pat Monday for all the joy and laughter, she brings to everyone, and last but not least Carson, who always knows how to make everyone feel very special. I will never forget any of you. You will be in my heart and my prayers forever. I know I never would have made it this far if it weren't for all the most beautiful and kindhearted people I have ever met in my entire life. Please keep in touch with me and write me as often as you can. I love and will miss you all so very much. XXXXX OOOOOO Martha
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Picture #1
Picture #1 
Picture of banquet room at Bill Johnson's Big Apple on June 3rd
pictures of our team members

Comments (1) | Add a Comment

Martha I am soooooo happy you had a great Birthday/Farewell Party you deserve it!!! I had such a great time I wouldn't have missed it in the world! I will miss you Martha!!! I wish you the "Best of the Best" Take care and God Bless you!!!
Sandra Velazquez | | June 06, 2005