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A long overdue concept... I will start logging major events and periodic snippets of opinion as time progresses.

Eaontos, 5106

* So much has passed since my last entry, and so little has changed.  Faces come, blur in the malaise of fragmented memory, and vanish... leaving me to resent that the living should taint the hallowed ground where dead memories once roamed.  The weight of Zelia's blessings which once liberated me seem to settle on me, tearing me from even the most cherished fabrics of reality.

* Savanae and I have long since gone separate ways, which led me to find Meirit.  It has been some two years since she wandered into shadow.  Having sworn off romantic engagement, Katrian set upon me with much craft and cunning which she still claims to have not brought to bear.   I don't believe her.  We were wed in early 5106, and lasted the better part of 6 months as a wedded couple before a decision tore us asunder.  I mourn this as keenly as any passing I have witnessed before.  I am spread so very thin...

Fashanos (Feb), 5103 - Ivastaen (May), 5103

*Ahh... four months of scattered thoughts to compile from distracted memory.  Please bear with me...

*Lest it get buried, I thought I would mention the start of a movement within the Rest.  Not only have Deevaree, Godyva, and Savanae taken it upon themselves to start organizing a unique town-sponsored ball (yay!), but Balinworn has seen fit to petition the powers-that-be for appointment of a registrar to town.  This same month, I had started a Locksmitherer's Relief Fund, a collection of donated monies used to help offset the outrageous fines our locksmiths are burdened with for their honest mistakes.  

-Obviously, dating back as far as the abduction of Cotuil and Fluffy, our townsfolk have grown steadily more disenchanted with the regulatory capabilities of our own Cap'n.  This, coupled with the failure of the town to grow in areas where its isolation demands (namely, a registrar, forge, and Voln monastery) is seeing a rise in private activity, demanding the correction of our system.  Without correction, and correction soon, I do believe the winds of revolt may soon be blowing.  Undoubtedly, the seeds have fallen to fertile soil and already grow strong.


*I am pleased with many of the new acquaintances (and old re-acquaintances of those returned) I have made over the last few months.  I am especially pleased to see Xulia has made her way back to us.  The first night spent in real conversation with her (helping compose a song to worms, about worms) reminds me just how potent the blessings of Zelia can be.  Of course, one look at her wardrobe is all the proof you really need.  

*For those who are still in the dark: yes, Savanae and I are grown intimate.  Though I'd have thought our bearing would have announced this somewhat, apparently we are just too subtle.  I can only groan at the number of clergy who've offered to marry us... of all the things in this world of which I am afraid, marriage must top the list.  Time will tell.

*The part of life that tears at us, the parting of friends and loves...  Many of these goodbyes are posthumous by a large degree.  If I've excluded any, I heartedly apologize and would have them listed here as well: Higuchi (Teapot), Tigressah, Sarahoff, Nofret, Runyun, Rlen, Jaxia, and Dearlae (please, not forever).  While I wish you all great success and fulfillment, realize we mourn the emptiness left in your wake.  Aeia keep us all.


*These past few months have seen a lot of activity tied to the arrival of a comet, visible in Elanthian night skies:  

-First, all the trolls of the area packed up and left with the arrival of the comet; pursuing "G'Bruk", something tied to the prophecies of trollkin.  I was appalled at the reception the trolls received at the hands of our townsfolk, and they summarily (perhaps justifiably) saw fit to wreak some havoc on their way out of town.  I don't dwell on this as I am familiar with hatred and fear, and turn mine to the krol.  To each their own to some extent.  

-Following their departure, a giantkin prophetess, Urutei, arrived and set up camp outside of town.  After a series of bizarre meetings, visions, and requests... she's done nothing more than mar the flesh of more than a couple of our townsfolk.  The madness uttered from this woman rings slightly familiar of Zelia, but the undertones are not hers at all.  Perhaps it is Cholen that speaks to her, though her vessel is indeed quite mad.  I do not doubt her intentions or sincerity, but am concerned for those under her thrall nonetheless.  Coincidentally, the regional supplies of ergot have dwindled rapidly since her arrival.  This fact, coupled with the strange behavior of her followers, leads me to believe there is something in their drinks aside from the abnormally-high levels of lead placed there by Karlah.  I wonder what it could be?

-With the arrival of the comet, it's prophetess, and departure of the trolls... came the arrival of the Krol.  Driven by whatever means, Sankir, a bloodfist among the krol, has seen fit to harass our town with a group of followers and small, but powerful, invasion forces.  In response to this, the Fortuneers have come in an attempt to... well, do whatever it is that fortuneers do.  I'm still not sold on their intents, but though they may be selfishly driven, I do not see that they pose any great threat to this town. 

Lormestra (Jan), 5103

*Nenime and Teylarun were wed in private.  Best Wishes!

Eorgaen (Dec), 5102

*More promises that may soon come to pass.  Though I've neglected the completion of my scholarly works pertaining to Aeia, they are under constant consideration and will be brought to fruition "real soon now".  In addition, I have considered the possibilities of making public the detailed aspects of my surviving family in the Wyrdeep.  It has not been that long since fair news of a long-sinister plight came to my attentions, and the mixed emotions I feel in the wake are such that I will not pen them of yet.  More of my story will be made when I'm of fair mind to address it properly.

*Yundah and Cyler were wed this month.  Best Wishes!

Eaontos (Nov), 5102

*Amidst fair news from home in Wyrdeep, I feel the world of my concerns weighing heavily on me still.  I feel worn and tired, most uncharacteristic of me, I assure you.  It as though a lifetime of pensive anticipation has lifted, and the relief thereof has left me hollow and listless.  I am now, more than ever, very grateful for the friends I have come to know and love in this town of River's Rest.  They keep me in such grande spirits as I could not possibly maintain myself at this point.  A few tensions seem to rise over typical concerns, and I seem ill-equipped to deal with them as of now.  I wonder that I should feel the influence of Zelia more keenly now, even as it is Aeia who commands my waking thoughts.  So many mysteries, and I with so little understanding.     

Jastatos (Oct), 5102

*Some may have noticed the apparent lack of promised material pertaining to Aeia.  This is because I have yet to complete them.  A little less obvious is the confession that otherworldly scholarly pursuits are taking up too much time at the moment, and the Aeian documents will not be properly penned until the end of this year.  The great bulk of research is finished, however, and I am quite willing to share my findings and views on a personal level with any who'd hear them.  My apologies if any were anxiously awaiting...  Of course, an occasional note here and there may help facilitate areas of mutual interest where my library is concerned.

Imaerasta (Sep), 5102

**WONDERFUL NEWS**  The Log is gone!  After long years of fruitless struggle to destroy that blasted portal, the Log is gone of Krolvin accord.  Never thought I'd be thanking those smelly monkeys for anything.  So, well... here it is.  Thank you, smelly monkeys! (...and Bradach)

Strangely enough, this event transpired very closely with my coronation.  No better gift could I have asked, now that the stranded citizens have found their paths home.