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Im Looking for my father his name is david ellis ive never met him ive gotten one letter from him but didnt want to talk to him at the time i was 15 and felt as thie he was trying to butt in to my life after 15 years of ignoring me . I have since changed my minde and would like to get to know him and my little brothers and sisters life is too short to be mad about something you cant change if you know a david ellis that lived in Phoenix, Az in the 80's and went to Trevor G. Browne High School or Know him know e-mail me and help me out please he lived in Grand Prairie, Texas in 1998 when he Wrote me i have tryed sending my little brothers and sisters birthday cards but they came back saying "not deliverable as addressed " but i copped the address just as it is on his address lable i really would like a chance to talk with my brotheres and sisters so if you can help in any way please do

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