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AHHH!!! Nuthing right now!!!
Welcome to Cookiez n' Cream!!


10/16/03 Stevie blogged at 8:39pm- I'm so sorry I haven't blogged in ages upon ages!! I've been busy with my new guild, and school!! I promise to get everything up and running soon!! LoL, I'm gunna finish off the layout, and work on some new layouts, ackgrounds, user look-ups, etc. Peace out!!

10/6/03 Macey blogged at 7:11- Holy cow I haven't blogged in EVER!!! Sorry!! Ive been sooo busy on neopets (I just got hacked:() and Ive been trying to get my np back. A layout page is going up soon I think and after that a Userlookup page. Just you wait...
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