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“The Laws of Nature are the Laws of God.  If any one tells you any different, they are wrong.”

The laws of the Mother are the laws of the Father and this is how we walk upon this Earth by walking One with our Mother.  If you see an action in someone else and can find it's corresponding signature in Nature, let it be.  It has a right to exists as such.. This does not mean you have to live there, or follow what they are saying as if it is the letter of the law, just let it be for it is okay.  But if the words that the people are saying cannot be found in Nature, do not believe them for they are wrong.  This is how she taught me to walk upon this Earth.

I have no concept for evil.  It does not exist within me, for I do not see it existing within Mother.  There have been those who have said, but this is a world of polarities, therefore if you have good, then you have to have evil.

But this is not what Mother tells me when I look to her to verify the information.  This is a world of polarities, of opposites.. the man, the woman.  Different in energy signatures that's all, not one good and one evil.  North Pole, South Pole, polarities, just different.

Light, Dark.  There is beauty in the light, there is beauty in the darkness.

Predator, Prey. No evil, one feeds off the other, who feeds off another, who feeds off another.  No evil, just a food chain.

Trees and plants growing in the light, roots buried in the darkness of the soil, not good versus evil, polarity of the Earth, one sustains the other.  It is required for the growth

Ease, disease.  If I looked at every human and seen the part of them that has disease, would I have to place every human on this Earth in the category of evil?  If I look at a tree, and it has a disease, do I love this tree any less?  No I do not.  So many great people, like trees, with disease, still great, still doing the work they were created to do.

I do not have a concept for evil.  I do not see it upon Mothers body.

