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April 2004
/\/\/\(^._.^)/\/\/\ The Bat Cave /\/\/\(^._.^)/\/\/\
Saturday 4/24/04
I'm back bitches. Yea got back from Camp Enterprise today. It was just such a excellent life experience so i'm gonna write a whole lot of shit about it now. So when I first heard of it as a business camp, I thought we were gonna stay in fancy hotels and shit, cause ya know, it's how the big business dogs do it. When we arrived there, we were in some small town in deep in the woods. We didn't stay in hotels, but log cabins with cardboard crappy bunk beds. Mosquitos and stuff in there. I was like "damn what does this nature shit have to do with makin money in the business world?" Anywayz, we got down to business and started the presentations. Those presentations really made me learn alot about business. We were crammed for time often and had to like skip lunch sometimes and stuff. It was just like the real business world. So yea I got a real good experience of the business world. Besides from all the rush work, free time was always hella fun.
DAY 1:
First night, was hecka funny. I'm in my room with my 3 roomates playin cards. We were gamblin too. In the end I won 3 dollars. Then peoples were playin pranks and stuff. One dude came in to our cabin and was like "Is Jose in here? We can't find him, he's missing." And we kinda were a little scared and was like "For realz? Don't play man." And then he came back later and was like "We just found Jose." My first thought was "Oh shit they found his dead body." But no, they said they found Jose on the streets and he was going crazy and shit." And thats when I realized, "OK, this shit is hella fake." Yea so Ricky and Jerry went to check it out. A few minutes later they came running back to our cabin screaming and bangin on the door wanting to get in so bad. Now in scary movies, the people inside the cabin would rush to open the door. But we just laughed at them for like a minute while they screamed and banged on the door and then we let them in. A few seconds later Jose jumped in and let out this really fake roar. Ok....that scaring prank didn't work on us. But it worked on Alvin. Shit was hella funny. We did the prank again, but this time to Alvin and he was like "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" and he was all covering his head with his blanket and shit and screaming. Aaahhhh GOT EM.
DAY 2:
Day 2 was the best. The boys were in one cabin-apartment while the girls were in another cabin-apartment down the road. But both cabins had bathrooms for male and females. So me and the guys decided to check out the girls bathroom. Explore the mystery. Go where few men have gone before. Yea it was hella clean and we checked out the showers and HOLY SHIT there was some dude in there taking a shower. Scared the shit out of us we ran out there like some little kids. At night we roasted marshmellows at a campfire. Whoa I only seen white kids doing it on TV. Never thought I'd be doing it. Then we had a talent show. I watched these black people dance and damn they dance hella good. They inspired me to want to learn hip-hop day...anywayz first we had American Idol on the talent show. We had this black dude pretending to be Arabic singing I believe I can fly. HELLA FUNNY. Yea and the old people did their thang too, from singing country songs to doing the YMCA and everybody was singing along and going crazy. I heard during this time 2 people went out to the woods and were "DOING IT" but i won't go into the details so don't ask. So I headed back to my room after the talent show it was about 11 PM. A few minutes later I hear Ricky coming. Some girls jumped from out of the bushes and made him scream like a girl. Then I hid behind the door and waited until he came in the room. I said "BRAINS" in a deep raspy zombie voice and scared the shit out of him. He straight up screamed like a girl again. LOL Kodak moment right there. Yea and then I went to take a piss in the girls's bathroom. Yayah! How many of you have ever done that?
DAY 3:
Well, not much fun happened today. We just rushed to finish the last presentation and then packed up. But this one guy did give an inspiring speech. The bumblebee is a fat ass bee with little wings. Scientists and the military and NASA have studied it and have come up with the conclusion that it can't fly. It's not suppose to fly. The wings dont support it. And yet the bumblebee does fly. GOD DAMN! That's some deep shit. It means that no matter what people say you can't do, just keep on doin ya thing. Yea and then we got home, they brought us a small little bus for disabled kids. WTF? Oh well we rode it home.
Camp Enterprise was such a great experience. It was my first trip with fellow students away from home and stay overnight. Camp life was so fun. Wake up early, come out and nature is all around. There's fresh air and trees all around you. Go down to the dining hall for breakfast, lunch or dinner. They had great food. Roasting marshmellows by the campfire. The nightly entertainment was just hella fun. And when I went back to my room and just kicked back, playing cards with the fellas. Good times. I experienced not only about business, but other new things like going into the girls bathroom and riding the retarded people's bus. Overall, I'm really glad I came. This once in a lifetime experience was just...WOW...WOW. It's so sad you can only do this when you're in 11th grade. A once in a life-time experience that I'm glad I was apart of. I'm gonna miss camp life sooooo much.
Wednesday 4/21/04
Aww man tommorow I go to this business camp thingy called Camp Enterprise for 3 days. Gonna miss the YGO tourney. And next week I gotta take SATs. Gonna miss a frickin regionals tourney. FUCK! My education is starting to invade MY weekends. I saw this movie called Redemption. It's about one of the co-founder of the crips that is on death row but he changed and is now preachin peace for the kids. Yea ever since I watch that movie I got interested in the bloods and crips and was researchin them on the internet for fun. Yes, researching stuff, for fun, on my own. Doesn't that make me a nerd. But I'm researchin gangs. So that must make me a gangsta nerd. Anyways, after I educated myself on gangs, I am thinkin of giving up my thug life for good. Yea, I'm gonna stop gangbangin, cause some girls almost did a drive-by on me too. Ok, well I dunno if these girls were tryin to holla at me or do a drive-by or some shit, but I was walking home and their car passed by and one of them yelled "HEY!" I didn't know them, so I thought they were calling someone else. Yea so I kept on walking and they came around the block and came back again and was like "HEY!" and I looked at them and they were all looking back at me as their car passed. What...The...Fuck...? Ok...anywayz....I'm packin up and gonna be away for 3 days. Peace
Wednesday 4/14/04
Whoa OMG I saw William Hung in person today. An international celebrity, in the same room with me. Aaaahhhh. My life is forever changed. Bow down to greatness. Anyways, on the 17th, I'm turning 17. Remember to throw me any suprise parties/gifts. ;D
Friday 4/09/04
Well, I guess i've had enough practice of driving. I've moved on to parking. Not parallel parking yet, just parking lot parking. Man yesterday I was hella frustrated. God damn that shit was hella hard and boring too. I wish I could just stop in the middle of the street and park there. Parking is sooooo gay. Yea yesterday I really sucked at parking, but today I've improved alot. License in two more months. Yayah can't wait. Oh yea remember my birthday is coming up on the 17th. That's a saturday so if yall wanna throw me any suprise parties/gifts, make plans now :D
Thursday 4/08/04
Ah, April. This is where my circle completes and where it all begins again. Don't know what the heck I'm talkin about? Itz me birthday comin up. I didnt even remember until my buddy Sherry reminded me. She was like, "so what you doin next saturday?" And I was like, "why?" And she was like "its yo birthday" Oh yeah. Dang not only does she remember its coming up, but remembers the day of the week too and I didn't even remember. Thanx for caring Sherry. It means alot =) Anyways, it seems that infamous copycat Jason has struck yet again. This time, it's my kiddie backpack. Ok yea I wasn't the one that started the kiddie backpack trend. He saw people with them before. But did he care? No. Did he want to get one? No. When I told him I was gonna get one, he was like "cool." But the day I came to school with my new Batman backpack, and saw how fitted I looked, that foo wanted to get one. And now he got one. How gay =/ Well since we're on the subject of poetry in English class, here's a poem by me.
My style is fresh, my style is clean
To be cool like me, thats like a dream
When you're like me, greater than great
There's bound to be foos that imitate
Them nikkas without style, they gotta bite
But I aint even trippin tho, its all right
Cause I stay ahead of the game, live up to the name
Ya always a level below, a mile behind.
Can't catch up with me, just quit tryin.
Yea...for those of you who don't know or have forgotten, let me break it down. Jason has copied my Bicycle playing card sleeves, almost every card in my yugioh deck, my phrases, my tape wallet, and now my kiddie backpack. =/