Updated: Jun. 23/03

A Repertory of Spirited Writings and Esteemed Literary Sources.

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"Miguel de Cervantes: ...When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Too much sanity may be madness! To surrender dreams---this may be madness; to seek treasure where there is only trash! And maddest of all---to see life as it is and not as it should be!"

- Man of La Mancha (1972).
Image: Picasso's Don Quixote

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David is King in My Black Book - by Helga Marion Ross
"There is something about David...."

Dedicated to David Arthur Walters and David Coyote, esteemed fellow authors who published with Writtenbyme.

Helga’s Heartlines: A Journal
August 19th, 2001
Newmarket, Ontario

There is something about “David”. I’ve always liked the name. It means ‘beloved’. So he is, by me, admired, worshipped from afar. Were I to thumb my way through the well-worn pages of my priceless Black Book – assuming I have one - it would invariably fall open first on the profile of this compelling, tantalizingly elusive “love object” of mine. Indeed, David has played a uniquely fascinating role in my emotional and intellectual life; with the passage of time he’s assumed almost mythic proportions.

These days, it happens he’s back in my life in a big way. However, as usual, he doesn’t make himself physically apparent. My consummate character actor is playing his full repertoire, preying upon my fancies and fantasies. “God doesn’t play dice with Universe”, said Albert Einstein. But The Man Upstairs seems to have fun with me. This time there’s not one, but two of him - Davids, that is! Yet, I do not see either of them, nor have I ever laid eyes on them. The fact is, we’ve never met.

Even more incongruous, some of you reading this may have. You may know either or both of these marvelous models of masculinity much better than I. Well then, you must know how truly worthy they are to be held in my highest regard. I speak of David Arthur Walters and David Coyote, esteemed fellow authors who publish with us at Writtenbyme.

The medium for our only 'real' connection with each other is via the Internet. Through our Cyberspace communication and the personal revelations contained in our various published essays and memoirs we have established mutual respect and excellent rapport. The Two Davids know and like each other, too, incidentally. Both relate admirably well to Yours Truly. Too bad I couldn’t tell you this is a love triangle in the traditional sense. Sight unseen, somehow I believe I wouldn’t mind a bit. How flattering it would be to be fought for! Oh well.... It seems both hearts have been usurped by other fortunate females. Damn! What a shame.
Well...I 'love' ‘em both, just the same....

I’ll hanker after them in my fashion and admire them from afar. I’ll applaud their unique talents, their tremendous literary gifts, their awesome intellect and creative self-expression. In my Book they are modern day Greats, artists of the first caliber – Having added them to my roster, I hereby proclaim them to the world.

It’s only natural that I associate my heroes with other idols and relevant episodes I’ve known of or personally experienced. David, David---you, who are so spellbinding and mesmerizing---Man of My Dreams.

My original true love. My first youthful, longed-for, but unrealized love. Gorgeous as Adonis, in face and physique—the one and only 'real' David I’ve looked upon in person and entranced. Amazing, ironic, no? He, magnetic, heart-meltingly handsome, returned my gaze and I was lost forever. He was fated not to be with me, but I was fated not to forget....

Another time and space; a summer day, a special place. Bosom of the blossomed Renaissance: Florence, Italy. A heart-stopping highlight on my 21-day European tour, August 1984. An image familiar to all, yet no photograph, no verbal depiction can adequately capture or do it justice: Michaelangelo’s magnificent ‘David’. The David ‘in the flesh’ is something to behold, I tell you. There stood I, amazed, enthralled, overwhelmed, amidst the throng of spectators surrounding that superb work of art. The spell was augmented by the dazzling natural daylight that flooded through the glass dome above his head onto the exquisitely carved and polished marble, casting a special aura, lending an almost surrealistic glow. I was captured once more within His circle of light.

"The sculpture itself is 17 feet tall and stands on a pedestal, putting David’s head 20 feet above the floor. It is impossible for visitors to the Accademia Gallery in Florence to view David’s furrowed brow and piercing eyes as closely as they might like." More within reach of the naked eye, however, and maybe more likely to capture their attention is his apparent and humorously monumental manhood. While this admirer couldn’t help but notice, I was too embarrassed to take a really good look at that particular part. There were too many people around watching, some of them intent on registering my reaction. (Can’t understand why). By the way, my female co-conspirators, The David looks just as good from behind.

The statuesque masterpiece in its unabashed, full blown glory (surely David the shepherd boy wore at least a loin cloth?) brings me back to my friend, David Walters, he of well–known monumental ego, having declared himself so in such works as “My Vain Philosophy” and “Clan of the Wild Boar”. I agree with his self-proclaimed estimation. I mean this in the most positive sense. Born in the Chinese Year of the Rooster (Cock) he doth ruffle his feathers and crow mightily, but underneath the bluster I know him to be very sensitive and vulnerable and kind. I say more power to him; he has earned his ego. Just read his masterpiece, “Monophobia” and you’ll see.

Now David Coyote reminds me of a different aspect of The David---The Shepherd Boy Topples The Giant. He’s modest, philosophical and neither militarist nor militant. He believes in and calls upon the best in human nature, softly. But his message, philosophy and point of view are in keeping with Brother David’s, (DW), and best articulated in “A Complete Word View” and the series, “If You Ask Me”. He enjoys being humorously and deceptively self-deprecating, while we who read him appreciate being led astray. He has his way of winning us over.

Michaelangelo captured The David in the moments leading up to the face-off with Goliath, in the psychic space he would have experienced, the tension and the concentration. Imagine those moments, yourself, if you will. When I do, I think it has to be one of the most nerve-wracking, yet exciting episodes ever to witness, in history:

The Philistines, on one mountain, and the Israelites on another, with the valley of E’-lah in between, about to wage war. The Philistines have the advantage: the terrifying giant, Goliath, 9 ft tall (who incidentally has 4 brothers, also giants). Clothed in 150 pounds of armor, and carrying a spear with a tip that weighs 20 pounds, he challenges King Saul to pick a man from his Army to fight him single-handedly to determine which side shall surrender. The galling challenge goes on, morning and evening for 40 days. King Saul and the Israelites are at a loss, in a panic. There are no takers---

Enter young David - not a soldier, wearing no armor. He finds it unwieldy, so refuses its heavy but hindering protection. While at a seeming disadvantage, here, David has a special weapon and a gift for knowing how to use it – His single slingshot, his shepherd’s bag, and five smooth stones...

Goliath is understandably upset when he sees whom the enemy sends to meet his challenge. It seems so absurd as to be perceived an insult. "Am I a dog that you come to beat me with sticks?"

Well, you know the rest....

Goliath lost his head, literally.
David the Shepherd went on to be David the King.
David the King's reign heralded Israel's Golden Age.
David the King happened to be an able administrator and, more, a gifted artist. He wrote music and poetry and those wonderful Psalms:

“Blessed be the Lord my strength,
which teacheth my hands to war,
and my fingers to fight:”
~ Psalm 144: 1

Which brings me back to the present time and my two Honorable Mentions. (I won’t bore you with additional Davids right now, though there are one or two more in the annals of my Black Book - another story.) Both my modern-day writer/warrior Davids pitch their eloquent, under-dog battle on our behalf against a different Goliath: another giant, a formidable foe, an unwieldy Leviathan - Corporate America and its Cash & Trash values. I’m right behind them – but not hiding. Though of the “weaker” sex I won't hestitate to hurl myself in your path to draw attention to these heroes of mine. I’ve even written some articles of my own with a similar theme, “Get A Life” and “Banish Blue Mondays or What Ever happened to the Four-Day Work Week?”.

I recommend that those of you who haven’t stumbled upon The Davids’ material till now, start reading. If nothing else, I guarantee it will get you thinking.

I’m thinking I’ll do the same right now, read some more of their ‘stuff’.

I think I’ll close the cover on my Black Book for the time being. Though I’m sure I’m going to have more to add to it, later....

So, fellow writers and visitors, now that you know of these 'Notables' therein, enjoy yourselves! Here’s to Happy Reading-David!


Quote from “ABCNEWS.com: Putting Michaelangelo’s Work in 3D”

Recommended Web Reading/Viewing:

The Digital Michelangelo Project

“ABCNEWS.com: Putting Michaelangelo’s Work in 3D”

-See Michaelangelo’s David as he’s never been seen -
Look him in the eye.
-See Every Inch of David.

~ Helga Marion Ross ~

Copyright 2002

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