Updated: Jun. 23/03

A Repertory of Spirited Writings and Esteemed Literary Sources.


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You don't have to be rich, or smart, or good-looking - It's already yours. Tap into it. More than a place, a person, an idea, Passion is a State of Mind.

"Miguel de Cervantes: ...When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Too much sanity may be madness! To surrender dreams---this may be madness; to seek treasure where there is only trash! And maddest of all---to see life as it is and not as it should be!"

- Man of La Mancha (1972).
Image: Picasso's Don Quixote

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A Meditation on “Girl with Wings” - by Richard Rockwell
"A teenage female archetype...a dark-angel surrounded by fire...she has wings to escape and a magic orb
to bring her a new life...these elements evoke the image of the phoenix."

Richard Rockwell's meditation touched me, brought a tear to my eye, deeper insight into myself, into past and present, above all, hope for the future.

A Recommended Read: For another look at a Teen Angel, a tale marvelously told:
Theophany: The Life and Death of a Girl... Prophet

Every part of your dream comes from you so this drawing of the artist's mystical vision shows us a dark corner of her secret inner world. She shares her secret vision with us; her act of courage in sharing her dark secrets is a generous gift for all of us.

If we let ourselves be open, the artist's secret vision reminds us of a forgotten mystical area within our own minds.

I see "Angel with Globe" as a girl "with wings", a kind of self-portrait as well as a teenage female archetype from the collective unconscious of the artist.

Like anything else, the way to develop your intuition is to use it. You can stare at a painting and let yourself go into an altered state, a state of heightened intuition and empathy. I did that with “girl with wings” and then came back and wrote this:

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

When we were teenagers, we had skin problems, social problems and identity problems; it was all part of being a teenager.

When we remember that teenage time of terrible crisis and apparently unlimited opportunity, our memories can bring back intense feelings.

If the artist draws herself as a teenager with wings, she may want to escape and rise above her troubled world.

If she draws herself as what looks like claws for hands, she may see herself as not having social competence.

If her hand is indeed drawn with a claw for a thumb (rather than just light from the globe), then she can "claw" people but not "touch" them. The claw may represent a sense of social isolation as well as a lack of social skills, both typical for many teenagers.

She draws herself as surrounded by fire.

Her wings change into mountains behind her, then change back into wings; her mountains become wings again. Since angel-wings are always white, these mountain-wings are for a "dark angel" or a bird-girl.

The teen-age self is seen as a dark-Angel or bird-girl clutching a "mystical orb", surrounded by burning fire.

A "mystical orb" is not just a symbol of an inner world of fantasy but also often a wish for something magical that will "change my life and make everything better".

Perhaps she sees her teenage existence (or memories) as like an angel burning in hell. She views her vision of the world and artistic skills as giving her "wings" to fly away and make her own world in fantasy.

A dark-angel surrounded by fire, a girl-bird with wings clutching her treasure, a mystical orb that will “make a new life”: these elements evoke the image of the phoenix, a mythical bird that lived in the desert and was reborn in fire.

She is like an Indian girl who went to the desert to discover which animal is her mystical guide. The girl’s vision is to be like the phoenix, rising out of fire to be born again from her own ashes, coming back with a better world in her own hands.

Although she is in fire now, she has wings to escape and a magic orb to bring her a new life. Although painful, it is the pain of the quest, the human quest for rebirth and renewal.

~ Richard Rockwell ~

Copyright 2001

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