Updated: Dec. 01/02

A Repertory of Spirited Writings and Esteemed Literary Sources.

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You don't have to be rich, or smart, or good-looking - It's already yours. Tap into it. More than a place, a person, an idea, Passion is a State of Mind.

"Miguel de Cervantes: ...When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Too much sanity may be madness! To surrender dreams---this may be madness; to seek treasure where there is only trash! And maddest of all---to see life as it is and not as it should be!"

- Man of La Mancha (1972).
Image: Picasso's Don Quixote

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This commedy of manners is a pure pleasure.

The unsurpassed modern masterpiece of romantic suspense.

Masterwork of historical fiction; monumental scope. A delicious read.

Plays exploring human passion. Outstanding 2-vol. series to own, to treasure.

James Goldman’s Oscar winning screenplay, Broadway play-One of the most revered...

One of the best Plays ever written! Act 1: Fun and Games...


Le Rendez-vous - by Claude Theberge
This Page contains our featured writer/contributor pen portraits, perspectives and opinion pieces.

"When we share, that is poetry in the prose of life." – Sigmund Freud

"I suppose you could say I'm a hedonist in the truest sense:
I believe in pleasure, personal and shared, as one of life's guiding principles."

- Author/Editor, Helga Marion Ross.


A Complete World View
- by David Coyote

The world is suffering from industrial exploitation that rewards only a few...
What part do you play?

I Think I've Gone Plumb Mad
- by David Arthur Walters

Perhaps you will identify with the author?
Perhaps you will find laughter in the pathos of his situation?
"I might qualify for disability benefits...Allow me to explain if I can."

The Rosary
- by Theresa Jodray

"I picked it up, tears filling my swollen blackened eyes and knew this was my sign..."

The Blame Game
- by Judith Bailey

Angel? Archetype? Jungian Shadow? Or "All of the above"?
Decide for yourself while enjoying these wonderfully intimate confessions.

Are We Suckers?...It Depends
- by Joseph Kearney

"My story is an odd one."

Another Six Billion Day
- by Andrew Rafalski

"Which way does the scale tip in my actions this day?
Will I be consequential? Will you?"

Live Without Dead Time
- by Trace Ramsey

"Cutting the fat...
The following is a goodbye I sent to the readers of my weekly column."

Jungle Girl Goddess, Symbol of Passions in Prose
- by Richard Rockwell

"What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?"
What's a barely-clad Jungle Girl doing on a writers' website?

Love, Power, or Wisdom?
- by Richard Rockwell

"So which guides your advocacy? Love, Power, Or Wisdom?
Or have you found a way to combine all three?"

Be an Angel, Will You? Be a Friend
- by Helga Marion Ross

Wondering how you can help? Do something meaningful? Look around you.
“Who would be a friend to the friendless?”

On Being Beautified
- by Helga Marion Ross

"Even as I work at it on the outside, for me, Beauty is primarily an inside job."

A Monday Through Friday Sort of Dying...No More
- by Helga Marion Ross

That long-dreamed-of day...has miraculously arrived! The Big Concern:
"What are you going to do now?"

Feeding the Greed Gap
- by Helga Marion Ross

Niagara Falls, NY. A Confession:
Prime Outlets shopping spree attended by pangs of conscience.

Today is the First Day
- by Helga Marion Ross

One woman's response to the mid-life crisis.
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life." - 1960s adage

Childhood Inside Out
- by Helga Marion Ross

My Inner Child or What I Brought With Me,
from childhood, and want to share -
advice from an adult/juvenile perspective.

Bullying: Is There No Shame Anymore?
- by Helga Marion Ross

This girl once confronted bullying behavior with biting words...and won!

Fallen Phoenix: Testament to the Lost Cherokee Nation
- by Helga Marion Ross

Writer, spiritual traveler, Jerry Ellis touched me with his story
"Walking the Trail: One Man's Journey on the Trail of Tears".
Where his odyssey ends, mine begins....