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The Good Morning Word

Good morning all, Today’s word: Genesis 16;Psalm 31 Peak-A-Boo, I see you…. Well over the past few months the devil has been putting in overtime on my job (previously with Baltimore Life), my finances, and my family, but as most of you know, whenever the devil makes you the object of his eye, it means that you are doing good by God’s eyes and that is what counts. Because of that, for everything that the devil laid his hands on and tries to bring turmoil to, the Lord our God stepped in and increased his blessings upon me to compensate. It is nice to know that whenever I am troubled with a heavy burden, the Lord has got my back. No matter how bad things are going, and even if no one else around you understands what you are going through, you can be rest assured, that the Lord, understands, and “ God will never fail us, he will never forsake his eternal covenant, God will never break, resting on his promise, what have we to fear?” In Genesis 16, we find a similar example of the Lords goodness. Hagar, Sarah’s handmaid, was being mistreated and felt so alone. She did not have anyone to turn to, for no one would understand this feeling that Hagar had inside, at least not of this world. Feeling this sense of loneliness, Hagar fled to be alone and pray. It was there that an angel visited her. The angle prayed with Hagar and assured her that the lord felt her pain, and understood what she was going through, and it is in that, that Hagar found her strength. She knew then that everything would be all right. Comfort, strength, security, these are the things we as humans search and long for most of our lives, but we can find those same qualities that we seek out in our Lord, and it is there that we should rest our faith. You see, sometimes it is hard for us to put our thoughts and feelings into words for others to understand what we are going through, some of us even pay hundreds of dollars for doctors of all types to interpret our thoughts for us, but how many of us haven taken the time out to trust in the Lord First. God is with us no matter what it is that we are going through, and no matter how over whelming or perplexing it may be, and if we leave it in his hands, he WILL take care of it. Like I said earlier, I have been going through some things, even still, I have be afforded the opportunity to finish school and earn my degree as well as changed career paths in to a more stable and profitable market. God is good all the time, and ALL the time, God is good. I could go on and on about the countless blessing that the Lord has put to my door, but I am sure you get the point. Look, what every your troubling circumstances are, things not going right on the job, the bills falling behind, people getting on your last nerves, the Lord hears and sees all of that, and moreover, he understand. If you leave it in his hands I assure you, it will be resolved. “When we're abandoned to God's will, we need not doubt nor fear; we'll know that He is in control, that He is always near.” (Sper) Peace and Blessings. This message has been brought to you by TooNice Productions, Inc. "...Putting great ideas to work!" in conjuction with The Good Morning Word, LLC. " Waking you up to the world around you!" All Rights Reserved. Copyright 02/12/2003.

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