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Disclaimer Notice: Not that I feel it is necessary by any means, for this is a socialist society for sure when we have to start stating disclaimers on our freedom of speech, but for the record here it is. The content of my poetry may seem obscene and obnoctious and not suitable for all ages. Oh, are we rating sites now..ok it is rated R. Works listed here are written as a form of release for the author and points of view are consistently changing, if you wish to use my own words against me in any way or for that matter write hate letters or letters preaching to me about your dieties please do what you will. This is a forewarning you may be wasting your breath, for I may have already changed my mind. Though most of the content is not sexually explicit you may perhaps find a few lines among the bunch which are, in that case, here i have a disclaimer for that too. You have been warned, and i have legally protect myself. "Perhaps in your ignorance i have become ignorant to."-Rayn

Email:Make contact: Jump Into My Universe

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