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~*Falling from Heaven*~

Well here it is. I've been thinking about doing a site like this for a long time. I just never got around to it. This site will eventually hold diary entries, poems, quotes, random thoughts, and what not. I can't believe that I'm going to open myself up to the world like this but, they say it's good for you. I'm at the point where I'll try damned near anything. See I'm bi-polar, manic depressant. I've fought it off for the past couple of years very well. In fact I forgot about it, and it's all coming back. From rocking in dark corners, to wanting to throw and break everything I own. I know everyone's heard it before, but I truly feel like I'm screaming for help and no one can hear me. The worst of it all is, that if anyone mentions medication I fly off the handle. I know I need it, But to have someone else tell me I do, 1st pisses me off, then depresses me even more. I hate it...I find myself, driving down roads singing at the top of my lungs, things like Papa Roach's 'Last Resort', Linkin' Park. Sometimes I wonder If I'm a ... if I have split-personalities. If you've ever seen "Forever Lulu" with Patrick Swayze and I can't remember her name, or "Breakfast at Tiffany's" with Audrey Hepburn, those movies desribe me quite well. Anyways lets move on to what's really supposed to be on this site. Honestly, as you read this I hope that you cannot relate, but I know there are some that will and there are those who have it worse than I do. But this is not about who had a worse life this is the story of a girl with a few disorders.


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Great Basin College
Blood Thirsty?become a Vampire