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Hey evryone! This is Whitney and welcome to Okay ok its actually an angelfire site because i dont have the know how or money to actually have my own site...maybe one day. Anyways, this is where you'll find interesting and fun poles on movies and music, a place to send your own poetry and short stories, to learn about me, a real teen expatriat, and hear the most important message of all-the story of JESUS CHRIST. So I think you all should go ahead and check out my site, because I believe you'd enjoy it, especially from the viewpoint of an American in Paris, such as myself.

Go visit the rest of my page! and while youre at it, check out the last section, it's important.

The Story-Read Mine and Submit Your Own
All About Me, The ExpaTeen
Polls on Movie or Music of the Month-this month, DREAM
Stuff I Like-And Think You Will Too
The Most Important Story of All

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