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Keep me going!

Hello, friends!!!

Recently, there's been so much activity on my webpage that it's hard for a lot of folks to get in to get instructions, etc.

If you like what I have on my page, and wish to help support a site with larger bandwidth, no pop-up ads, and more content, please let me know with a donation. The donation is not tax-deductible (yet, I'm working on finding out how to do that, since this is primarily a free eductational/instructional site).

The funds collected from donations will be used to maintain a larger website and go toward supplies for developing new patterns and designs, and for research materials (mainly for sprang).

I will post the names of those who contribute to this, if they wish to be posted!

I will continue to add to and feature new and exciting projects as time and resources allow.

I thank each and every one of you who help keep this site growing, active, and accessible! :)


Again, thank you for your support!!!!

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