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august 2002
at 6 months

17. g's first visit to gran and gramp's place! i heard she had a good laugh with the folksies there. granny didn't fix my bedroom for g to use. i wanted g to be in her mommy's room. well, some other time then... hey, g got a red envelope from grans! *wink wink*

16. g's first hair cut c/o granny the hairstylist. g had some long strands at the back of her ears. now these are gone. the little zack shook his head at granny.

15. g rolled on the bed!!!! on her tummy and back, on her tummy and back! she's so adorable, really, i tell you! tonight, g also looked cutie with her new one-piece pajama on. thought i must buy it the first time i saw it at rustan's.

14. tonight, g attended her first party--zacky boy's 1st birthday preview celebration, at the house of uncle terence and aunt rosette. it was close to g's bedtime and was probably not in the mood for all the new stimuli, faces, sounds and objects. so she cried some moments. good thing she still slept well into the night...

11. appetite and disposition improving, good thing! bath time is still a fave. g now sits on the portion that says "older infant". how she loves to rub her soles against the tub! she can easily create a tsunami!!!

9. a visit to dr. romero's clinic for her skin asthma. oh, g liked the lady doctor. doc said its because she doesn't give her the immunization and doesn't have white hair on balding head like doc demi! hehe...

8. g cried often in the middle of her sleep in the evenings. you'd think she was colicky! but i don't think she was. the rashes probably--that was the only reason i could think of. now that she's older she sensed the irritations more and expressed herself more. kawawa nga eh...

7. g was quite cranky. she has poor appetite, too. i don't think it's because of her oral thrush (again!) but it might be the diaper rash combined with her back rash.

6. i brought out the barney musical toy. g enjoys pounding on the buttons while she listens to the various nursery songs. i enjoy playing with the toy myself!