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demon gummy bear's internet journal

de omnibus dubitandum

this page isn't going to be anything amazing. it's pretty much just a place for my friends to visit, see what's going on, for me to vent and write down some of my thoughts. if you don't know me, feel free to read on anyway and laugh at my friends and me, but don't get your hopes up.

why is it that we never seem to truely appreciate something or savor it till it's almost gone? wow, that sounds really depressing. i don't mean it to sound that way, it's just something that hit me today. 2/25/04

why is it that life has to be one trial after another? i know, life sucks and then you die... it's a simple fact that i think almost every human being has come to terms with. not just every human being, but even every living creature on this planet. but there just seems to be those certain people who were put here just to make things that much more difficult for the rest of us. they just don't seem to get it. why on earth do they have to make such a big fuss over such seemingly minute situations and things? it's almost like they go out of their way to make everyone else around them miserable, to rob everyone of the few happy moments that we are each allotted in life and turn them into meaningless nothings or even make us feel guilty about our own happiness. what ever happened to live and let live? what ever happened to stop and take time to smell the rose? there are so few roses in life. i don't mean to be cheesey, but it's the plain and simple truth! 2/23/04

hey, guess what everyone (or no one) i got the job! i'm going to be a head teller! i wasn't quite sure i was going to get it because i really didn't think that the interview went that well, but i got it anyway! the only thing is i don't know when i'm going to be able to start. we've been having so many problems with not having enough people at my current branch, that i think they're going to wait a little while before i can start at the new branch... oh well, we'll see how things go.

i hope everyone had a good valentines day! 2/16/04

it's 7am and i'm up, i'm up... 7 is such an ungodly hour of the morning! but it could be worse, i could be up at 6 or even 5. anyway, the reason for me being up so early is that i have an interview for a head teller position in another branch. if i get the job, it'll be a fairly large step up in the bank for me, but for some reason i'm not really nervous about the interview. maybe it's because i still have a little over an hour till i have to be there. well, talk to everyone or no one soon. (i still have no idea if anyone even reads this.) 2/9/04

sorry i haven't added anything to this page in a while, but my family and i have been moving into a new house. it's been a nightmare! my new room is the size of a prison cell and almost all of the work that was done on the house before we moved in was done half assed. we haven't been able to un pack for the past week or so because we're getting new hard wood floors put down in the bedrooms. i just want all the workers to bedone so i can finally just get my room done. 1/23/04

so how was everyone's christmas? mine sucked i had the flu for the the past three days. but atleast i'm doing better now. one thing that really is pissing me off though is that i still can't figure out how to put pictures up on this page! gggrrrrrrr! well if any of my friends know how, you all know how to get in touch with me. later. 12/27/03

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