I S   I T   R E A L L Y   H I S   T O   G A M B L E ?

A small statement for this site

Everyday multinational supreme corporations take more power away from the democratic institutions built originally to serve the people, but today, we all must resist this kind of progress which leads our countries into less and less democratic.

In future we need to take also other options than just capitalism as an economical form, we cannot play one way policy in truly democratic countries, options must be seriously considered, because we cannot rely on blind belief on any of the choices the counrty has so far made.

The future belongs to the people via the democratic institions and forums. Big multinational corporations, which are entirely undemocratic, should be controlled strongly in order to make them serve the humanrights better.



You should check out following sites for further investigation of the matter. The outfit of this page will be devided into seperate sections later on.

"Globalisaatioksi kutsuttu ilmiö muuttaa ihmisten elämää ja yhteydenpitomuotoja. Usein puhutaankin maailman muuttuvan globalisaation myötä yhdeksi suureksi kyläksi, "global village". Globalisaatiolla on monia puolia: taloudellinen, poliittinen, sosiaalinen, kulttuurinen ja teknologinen. Useimmiten sanalla kuitenkin tarkoitetaan talouden globalisaatiota ja kansainvälistä kaupankäyntiä."

Sosialistiliitto - The Socialist League of Finland

Sosialistiliitto is fighting for fairer world, they release their own magazine which is called "Murros", many other interesting articles also featured here. - Finnish Alternative Media / Independent Media Center has succeeded bringing a completely new kind of media to Finland by using the possibilities of new internet technology. If you have any articles you might want others to read that you wrote, don't hesitate to release these at or Independent media center.

International Independent Media Center

If you have any articles you might want others to read that you wrote, don't hesitate to release these at or Independent media center.

United Nations

United Nations is a verstile and reliable source of information, get your facts about countries and other things here.

European Union

European Union has interests on trade, liberties and democracy. Here you can find some information about EU. European Union releases many interesting E-mail news letters, for example "DG Health & Consumer Protection" -news letter.


Language note

In future I try to concrete on writing articles in English language as well, perhaps translate some of these too. Unfortunately currently all are in Finnish language.