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Welcome to the website of writer
Ian Lumley

*All writing on this site is the work of Ian Lumley.  No part of Ian's work may be copied or re-transmitted in any form without his permission.
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Ian's first novel:

Ian's first novel COVERT (Based upon a true story):
Against a back-drop of international espionage, Coup d'etat and political deception at the highest level, David Coghlan, the best free-lance buggist in the United Kingdom, was hired to spy on Seychellois dissidents in London and mount a covert electronic surveillance operation in the Seychellois jungle. In the midst of all this, an assassin struck and the leader of the Seychellois dissidents was gunned down outside his London home. Who issued the contract? The CIA? The Mafia? The South African Secret Police? Even The Seychellois President had motives but Coghlan and his team were arrested and accused of murder. Coghlan had cleared his operations with the British Secret Intelligence Services but how did they respond at his trial? Did they support him or betray him?

Covert is now available from Paul Mould Publishing

Or by telephone 01205 363462 (UK) or 44 1205 363462 (International) Price £12 inc. postage to within the UK.

(click on title or book cover image to read Chapter 1)

Ian's second novel...

(click title to read Chapter 1)

This panoramic story is a true account of the life of Harry Tandey, World War 1's most decorated private soldier, and how his heritage and background formed complex threads that wove his character. He was revered by his peers, loved by all who knew him, honoured by his King and squabbled over by two regiments. Fate placed him at one of the most pivotal moments in history, making him unique amongst the heroes who were prepared to sacrifice their lives in the Great War.

Please read some other work by Ian:

The Accident
Body Chocolate

Funeral In Turkey
High Fibre Red Wine and Yoga Paralysis
The Resolution (a radio play)
Sneaky Pete and Devious Dave
The Special Offer
Summer Anniversary (a ghost story)
The Visitor


Amazon - UK - internet bookstore
Barnes & Noble - internet bookstore
Envisionment - develop your creative potential
The Pleasuredome - a writers community open to all
Sloe Wine - a literary weblog
Writer's Bureau - online writing school
Writer's Showcase - download free novels

Comments on any aspect of Ian's work are welcome - email ianlumley at (@ symbol omitted to prevent harvesting).

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