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Name: Joshua Winslow Groban

Birthday: February 27, 1981

Age: 23

 Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Eye color: Dark Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Height: 6'

Nick Name: Josh, Cutie Pie, Curly Pie, Joshie

Original and Current Residence: Los Angeles, California

Family: Lindy(mom) Jack(dad) Chris(bother)

Heritage: Russian, Polish, Norwegian

Pets: Two dogs

Car: Ford Explorer

Education: Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, Carnegie Mellon University

Musical Influences: "Wow ... it's really hard to name just one. There have been so many amazing singers and musicians that I've looked up to or listened to all my life like Paul Simon, Sting, Peter Gabrielle, Bjork ... anyone who really tried to push the boundaries or step outside the box a little bit. My vocal influences were the big voices of the stage: Mandy Patinkin, George Hearn, Luciano Pavarotti ... anyone who told a story with their songs. Voice Type: Baritone, Baro Tenor but Josh said "I would consider myself a tenor in training"

Fave Music: "My CD collection is very eclectic. I listen to everything from Linkin Park to Bjork to Pavarotti. Let's not forget Andreas Johnson"

Likes: Playing the drums and piano.

Fave TV Show: The Simpsons

Fave Character on The Simpsons: The Comic Book Store Guy

Fave WebSite: The Onion

Fave Disney Movie: Lady & The Tramp

Fave Food: Sushi, Herring & Cheese

Fave Thing to do: Play the Drums

Fave Late night TV: David Letterman & Conan O'Brien

Fave Movies: Amelie, The Impostors, Braveheart

Fave Rock Group: Limp Bizkit

Fave Actresses: Natalie Portman

Fave CD: DEBUT by Bjork

Fave Colors: Dark Blue and Black

Misc. things: Took Japanese in high school, saves everything, wears contacts, played lacrosse.

