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L a t e s t N e w s

LAST UPDATED 9/7/03. E-mail address is on the very bottom of this page. Waz up all, this page consists all the lastest news. Well, last week Friday was pretty gnarly! Me and Mick went to McDonalds and i had four cheeseburgers. We decided to go to Boarders thats located across the street. So, we headed out to go to Boarders, we got across the street into a Burger King parking lot and I started throwing up for the hell of it i guess. I was standing in the same spot for a few minutes and threw up 2 hamburgers i had eaten! Everyone in Burger King had this, what the hell? look on there face. It as the funniest thing! There was puke EVERYWHERE! Little kids and their moms lookeed like they were going to puke! It was the gnarliest thing! So, next time i go back their im going to bring the camcorder and get it on film. It was the highlight of my weekend. If you have any questions or anything about anything feel free to e-amil me. Thanks everyone. -Kraig


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