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The Muslims expect and enlightened ,great leader to appear at the end of time, they call him Mahdi, or guided one.

According to their prophecies , he will have the following attributes and things concerning him to identify him.

According to these reliable, authentic, and universally accepted narrations, Mahdi will:

Be from among the family of The Prophet (SAW), among the descendants of Fatima(RA);

Have a broad forehead and pointed noise; ( note. The great monarch of europe also described having these features)

Appear in one night; ( must mean appear as mahdi suddenly and take his role as such)

Appear just before the day of judgment; ( in other words in the end time period)

Have same name as hazrat Muhammad(SAW); (be linked to or have the name muhammad- note prince charles cliams to be descended from muhammad)

On his mothers side he is.

"ARAB: Queen Elizabeth II descends from the Muslims who created the Arab Andalusian civilisation of Spain. Since some of those people sprang from the family of the Prophet, The Queen herself is a descendent either directly or collaterally of Mohammed. When Her Majesty visited Morocco in 1980, the Moroccan media pointed out this Islamic ancestry of Canada's Queen."

see link

He will escape from Madina to Makkah where people will pledge allegiance to him; (have muslim/ islamic allegiance given to him- prince charles already has this )

Receive pledge and help of Iraqi people; (be linked to iraqi people and their cause so gaining their support- prince charles  is very involved with the iraqi marsh arabs.)

Fight in battles; (be a head an army- prince charles will one day be first in command of the royal airforce, royal marines, royal navy, the british army and even the sas, and all over bracnches of the british militairy.- now he has secondary command.)

Rule over the Arabs for seven years according to Sunnah; ( become a leader of arabs)

Spread justice and equity on earth; ( i.e  promote islamic studies and bring a time of islamic law to end  lack of justice- prince charles is very active in the promotion of the study of islamic law in great britian in academic capacitiy in islamic university schools and english university and schools and had set up islaimic centres for the study of islamic law.)

Eradicate tyranny and oppression; ( bring at time of peace and justice- like the great monarch of euorpe is prophesised to do)

Lead a prayer in Mekkah which Jesus(pbuh) will follow in; (go to mecca with A false jesus  christ and appear  as to be higher than him)

NOT be the same individual as the Promised Messiah (Jesus). (be distinguished from  thier false christ by the muslims and be greater than their false christ according to their prophecies, for  the false christ will ask him to pray at mecca.


The Holy Prophet Muhammad(SAW) has prophesied about several events that will occur just before the advent of the day of judgment. Among these, Rasulullah(SAW) has foretold the advent of one of his descendants, Al Mahdi (the guided one), which will materialize when the believers are severely oppressed in every corner of the world. He will fight the oppressors, unite the Muslims, bring peace and justice to the world, rule over the Arabs, and lead a prayer in Mekkah at which Isa(pbuh) (Jesus) will be present.

Throughtout the history of Islam, a few individuals -- driven either by the desperate state of Muslims in their community or a selfish pursuit of power and prestige -- laid claim to being Mahdi and found a following among the uninformed masses who were looking for salvation from the heavens. For some of these individuals (like Bab of Iran or Mirza Ghulam of India) the claim to being Mahdi was just a stepping stone to the development of heretic sects which broke away from the fold of Islam. Thus, it is at least prudent to visit the facts of this prophecy and avoid falling pray to false claimants that will appear from time to time.

As Muslims, we should remember that the prophecy about Mahdi is one that will come to pass. This prophecy, however, does not absolve the Muslim ummah from its duty to strive in the cause of Allah(SWT), oppose injustice, and seek peace and betterment of human condition. Centuries have passes from the time of the holy Prophet(SAW) and there is a good possibility that many more will expire before the advent of Al Mahdi. Muslims who are negligent in their duty hoping for a savior are committing a grave mistake and are not following the divine decrees ordained in Quran or taught by Rasulullah(SAW).


The following narrations have been taken from books on which there is no consensus among Muslim scholars. Their authenticity is in question:

According to these hadith, Mahdi will:

Be from the Family of Prophet(SAW) and descend from Hussain(RA), son of Fatima(RA); (here we have links with the prophet mohammad and the Hussain family and Fatima daughter of mohammad.

Appear at the end of time; (end time appearance- like the great monarch of europe)

Appear when earth is filled with injustice and tyranny and believers are severely oppressed; (in a time when arabs are being persicuted by the west- some could argue now to be arab is seen as terrorist)

Appear when a severe earthquaker will occur and green grass will grow (presumably in Arabia);

Fill the earth with justice and equity; (again like the great monarch bring peace and security)

Spread brotherhood, equity, and devotion among Muslims; ( the mahdi is going to unite the muslim world and promote the islamic faith so incresing devotion to islam.)

Rule over Muslim community, according to Hadith, for seven or nine years;

(here we have a distinction from the last versions which are more official - he will rule over the muslim community. prince charles has great influence over the muslim community world wide now.)

Live and act with the qualities of the holy Prophet(SAW). (he will be seen to be a true muslim acting in the way of a holy prophet- by the islamic muslim world)

As you can probably see im already making certain comparisms to this figure the islamic world awaits and prince charles and  in a very startling way these prophecies are like an islamic version of the great monarch of europe prophecies which are also , very credibly pointing to prince charles.

plus the great monarch prophecies indicate very clearly that he (the great monarch of  Europe )

will hold massive influence over the Islamic world.

Of course for the great monarch to also be the mahdi ( guided one )

would stretch our imaginations and would be a great feat for any man .

Yet isnt that want Prince charles in reality is doing?

To the Muslims hes a great man and good muslim,

a freind to islam, the most popular leader to the whole mulsim world,

to quote some muslims.

Also,to the west he's  a  son of the Queen of England.

The next king of england.

Atrue british  prince,

A consumate business man,

Acommited member of the church of England,

Acommited member of the british establishment and also a radical proponent of the united nations' sustainable development policy and a  very prominent enviromentalist,

recently herelded as

"saviour of the world"

To the Roman catholic Church ,he is veiwed as the most pro catholic royal in recent history,

and seen as a freind to all faiths.

So prince charles is many things to many people.

Yet truly seen only how they see his particular face.

And no one would argue he has many.

These narrations are based on opinion of single individuals and are not reliable. However, they indicate that Mahdi might:

Not appear until all Muslims are divided and curse each other (i.e. no brotherhood);

Appear when tyranny and oppression rule and no Muslim is free;

Be announced by a voice from heavens;

Fill the earth with justice and equity;

Lead the prayer which Jesus(pbuh) will follow.

Imam Mahdi

(Descendent of Prophet Muhammad PBUH)

note: prince charles of wales  claims descendancy from muhammad. (ck15)

by Mufti A.H. Elias and Mohammad Ali ibn Zubair Ali

Who Is Imam Mahdi?

Note: Please do not confuse Imam Mahdi with Hadhrat Isa (Jesus) Alayhis Salaam. They are two different persons, and both will come during the last days. According to Hadeeth, Imam Mahdi will appear first, and Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) will appear during Imam Mahdi's lifetime. Furthermore, only Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) will be able to kill Dajjal (the "anti-Christ"). (  note ;who will be a good guy in this case ;ck15)

There picture of antichrist is aleader of thousands of Jews, this obviously means  one of the main leaders of the 144.000.. could be one of the two witness possibly.)

The term "MAHDI" is a title meaning "The Guided one".

Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas'ood (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, "This world will not come to an end until one person from my progeny does not rule over the Arabs, and his name will be the same as my name." (Tirmidhi)

Hadhrat Ali (R.A.) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, "Even if only a day remains for Qiyamah to come, yet Allah will surely send a man from my family who will fill this world with such justice and fairness, just as it initally was filled with oppression." (Abu Dawood)

His Features

Hadhrat Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) relates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, "Al Mahdi will be from my progeny. His forehead will be broad and his nose will be high. He will fill the world with justice and fairness at a time when the world will be filled with oppression. He will rule for seven years."

The above could  just  quite easily have been taken out of the catholic prophecies on the great monarch its wording is almost exactly the same

Other ahadeeth inform us that:

* He will be tall

* He will be fair complexioned ( unusual for an arab.)

* His facial features will be similar to those of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

* His character will be exactly like that of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

* His father's name will be Abdullah

* His mother's name will be Aamina

* He will speak with a slight stutter and occasionally this stutter will frustrate him causing him to hit his hand upon his thigh. ( note prince charles has a strange way of speaking sometimes/ dont know if its a stutter or not. )

* His age at the time of his emergence will be forty years ( prince charles was well established as a leading proponent of islam by age 40)

* He will receive Knowledge from Allah.

His Emergence and Rule

Hadhrat Umme Salmah (R.A.) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, " After the death of a Ruler there will be some dispute between the people. At that time a citizen of Madina will flee (from Madinah) and go to Makkah. While in Makkah, certain people will approach him between Hajrul Aswad and Maqaame Ibraheem, and forcefully pledge their allegiance to him.

Thereafter a huge army will proceed from Syria to attack him but when they will be at Baida, which is between Makkah and Madina, they will be swallowed into the ground.

On seeing this, the Abdaals of Shaam as well as large numbers of people from Iraq will come to him and pledge their allegiance to him. Then a person from the Quraish, whose uncle will be from the Bani Kalb tribe will send an army to attack him, only to be overpowered, by the will of Allah. This (defeated) army will be that of the Bani Kalb. Unfortunate indeed is he who does not receive a share from the booty of the Kalb. This person (Imam Mahdi) will distribute the spoils of war after the battle. He will lead the people according to the Sunnat and during his reign Islam will spread throughout the world. He will remain till seven years (since his emergence). He will pass away and the Muslims will perform his Janazah salaat." (Abu Dawood)

According to a Hadeeth, Sayyidena Eesa (A.S.) will lead the Janaazah of Imam Mahdi (A.S.).

While the people will be pledging their allegiance to Imaam Mahdi, a voice from the unseen will call out:

"This is the representative of Allah,

The Mahdi, listen to him and obey him"

This announcement which will be heard by all those present will establish his authenticity. Another sign which will indicate the authenticity of Imaam Mahdi wil be that in the Ramadhaan prior to his emergence an eclipse of the sun and moon will occur. 9we have had recent eclipses of both moon and sun.)

Hadhrat Abu Umamah (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "There will be four peace agreements between you and the Romans. The fourth agreement will be mediated through a person who will be from the progeny of Hadhrat Haroon (A.S.) and will be upheld for seven years."

here we see peace and security to the forefront, and this mahadi figure able to help the europeans negotiate with the arabs, a job prince charles already does  , through his ammabassader to the middle east role and his strong fareindship with the saudi arabian royal family.)and ofcourse his postion witihn the eec as Charels prince of wales will be the reason the eec would trust him. 

The people asked: "O Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), who will be the Imaam of the people at the time?"

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "He will be from my progeny and will be forty years of age. His face will shine like a star and he will have a black spot on his left cheek. He will don two "Qutwaani" cloaks and will appear exactly as a person from the Bani Israeel..." (Tabrani)

(this spot on the cheek doesnt fit charles as far as im aware.)

According to hadith narrated by Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "...(regarding the rule of Imaam Mahdi) the skies will rain down in abundance and the earth will yield forth its crop in abundance, and those alive will desire that those who have already passed away should have been alive to enjoy this prosperity..."

Hadhrat Buraidah (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "There will be many armies after me. You must join that army which will come from Khurasaan." (Ibn Adi)

Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "(Armies carrying) black flags will come from Khurasaan. No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Eela (Baitul Maqdas) where they will erect their flags."

from: "Signs of Qiyamah"

by Mohammed Ali Ibn Zubair Ali

More Hadeeth (with references) (contributed by Bradley Bilal).

1) The Prophet (PBUH and HF) said: "Even if the entire duration of the world's existence has already been exhausted and only one day is left (before the day of judgment), Allah will expand that day to such a length of time, as to accommodate the kingdom of a person from my Ahlul-Bayt who will be called by my name. He will fill out the earth with peace and justice as it will have been full of injustice and tyranny (by then)."


Sahih al-Tirmidhi, v2, p86, v9, pp 74-75

Sunan Abu Dawud, v2, p7

Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v1, pp 84,376; V3, p63

2) The Prophet (PBUH and HF) said: "al-Mahdi is one of us, the members of the household (Ahlul-Bayt)."

Prince charles claims descendency from the house of muhammad.

Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, Tradition #4085

3) The Prophet (PBUH and HF) said: The Mahdi will be of my family, of the descendants of Fatimah (the daughter of the Prophet (PBUH)).


Sunan Abu Dawud, English version, Ch. 36, Tradition #4271 (narrated by Umm Salama, the wife of the Prophet)

Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, Tradition #4086

4) The Prophet (PBUH and HF) said: "We (I and my family) are members of a household that Allah (SWT) has chosen for them the life of the Hereafter over the life of this world; and the members of my household (Ahlul-Bayt) shall suffer a great affliction and they shall be forcefully expelled from their homes after my death; then there will come people from the East carrying black flags, and they will ask for some good to be given to them, but they shall be refused service; as such, they will wage war and emerge victorious, and will be offered that which they desired in the first place, but they will refuse to accept it till they pass it to a man from my family (Ahlul-Bayt) appears to fill the Earth with justice as it has been filled with corruption. So whoever reaches that (time) ought to come to them even if crawling on the ice/snow since among them is the Vice-regent of Allah (Khalifatullah) al-Mahdi."


Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, Tradition #4082,

The History Tabari

al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar, Ch. 11, section 1, pp 250-251

5) Abu Nadra reported: We were with the company of Jabir Ibn Abdillah... Jabir Ibn Abdillah kept quite for a while and then reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) having said: "There would be a Caliph in the last (period) of my Ummah who would freely give handfuls of wealth to the people without counting it." I said to Abu Nadra and Abu al-Ala: Do you mean Umar Ibn Abd al-Aziz? They said: NO, (he would be Imam Mahdi).


Sahih Muslim, English version, v4, chapter MCCV, p1508, Tradition #6961

Sahih Muslim, Arabic version, Kitab al-Fitan, v4, p2234, Tradition #67

6) "al-Mahdi is from our Ahlul-Bayt, no doubt Allah will enforce his appearance within a night (i.e., his coming is very unpredictable and is very sudden)."

References: Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, p269

Compiled from various sources by,

The Messianic Leader, Mahdi, In Other Religions

Engineer Madani: Is belief in the promised Mahdi confined to the followers of Islam, or does it exist in other religions too?

This opens the door for a multifaith acceptance of this mahdi figure by those joining with the muslims in a multifiath dialogue,

basically the whole of prince  charle's respect band of heads of every faith.

pictured here.

Mr. Hoshyar: In fact, this belief is not limited to the Muslims alone. In almost all religions and heavenly creeds one can find a similar belief in the future savior. The followers of these religions believe that there will come a time when the world will become corrupt and engulfed in a crisis. Evil and injustice will become the rule of the day. Disbelief will cover the entire world. At that time, the universal savior of the world will appear. With remarkable divine help he will restore the purity of faith and defeat materialism with the help of divine worship. Not only are the tidings to be found in revealed books like the Zand and Pazand, and Jamaspname of the Zoroastrians, the Torah and other Biblical books of the Jews, and the Gospel of the Christians, such information can also be seen, more or less, among the Brahmins and the Buddhists.

The followers of all religions and traditions maintain such a belief and are awaiting the appearance of such a commanding figure under the divine protection. Each tradition recognizes this figure with a different name and specific title. The Zoroastrians call him Saoshyant (meaning the 'savior of the world'); the Jews know him as the messiah, whereas the Christians regard him as the Savior Messiah. However, each group believes that this divinely ordained savior will be among them. The Zoroastrians believe he is Persian and among the followers of Zoroaster. The Jews maintain that he will be among the Children of Israel, and the follower of Moses. The Christians think he will be one among them. Muslims believe that he will be among the Hashimites and among the direct descendants of the Prophet. In Islam he has been fully introduced, whereas in other religions this is not so.

It is remarkable that all the characteristics and signs mentioned for this universal savior in other religions are applicable to the promised Mahdi, the son of Imam Hasan 'Askari. It is possible to regard him as Iranian in race because among his ancestors is the mother of the fourth Imam Zayn al-'Abidin who, as the daughter of Yazdgard, the Sassanian king, was a Persian princess. He can also be considered among the Children of Israel, since both the Hashimites and the Israelites are among the descendants of Abraham. The Hashimites are the descendants of Isma'il (Ishmael) and the Israelites are the descendants of Ishaq (Isaac). Hence, the Hashimites and the Israelites are one family. He is also connected to Christians because, according to some traditions, the mother of the present Imam was a Byzantine princess by the name of Narjis (Nargis), who is part of the miraculous story reported in some sources.

It is not appropriate to confine the deliverer of the world, the Mahdi, to one particular nation. He will actually come to fight against all discriminatory claims of racial, creedal and national distinction. Consequently, he should be regarded as the Mahdi of the whole of humanity. He is the savior and deliverer of the people who worship God. His victory is the victory of all the prophets and all the righteous ones on earth. He will be restoring the religion of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and all of the heavenly revelations, namely, Islam; he will revive the pure religion of Moses and Jesus which had foretold the prophethood of Muhammad.

Let us be clear that we have no intention of proving the existence of the promised Mahdi by referring to the ancient books, nor are we in need of doing so. Our intention is to demonstrate that the belief in the appearance of the unique savior of the world is a common religious belief, stemming from divine revelation, of which all prophets gave glad tidings. All nations are awaiting his emergence, but they have made errors in identifying him. . . .

After having demonstrated the necessity for general prophethood to guide humanity to its this- and next-worldly goals, it is accurate to hold that the same proof can be utilized to establish the fact that, whenever the prophet dies, there must exist in his place someone who can lead the community to those ends. This person should be someone who can continue the work of the prophet in providing the divine ordinances and reach out to the people in their search for the religious and spiritual path. God's purposes cannot be fulfilled without such a person existing among the people to promulgate those laws without errors of omission or commission. Thus, in the absence of the prophet, God's benevolence makes it necessary that there should be someone among the people to make sure that divine revelation is protected from human interference and interpolations, and that divine laws are made accessible to the people at all times.

This outstanding person must also, like the prophet, be immune and protected from committing any error and mistakes in receiving, recording and delivering the divine ordinances to establish the proof that God's guidance for the people is intact. Moreover, he should be fully knowledgeable about the truth of the religious ordinances and should himself act upon those ordinances so that others can bring their own acts and opinions into conformity with his and follow his example in their search for truth, without falling into doubt and confusion and without resorting to excuses for not having found the proof of religious truth. Since the Imam must also be protected from committing any error in carrying out this great responsibility, it must be pointed out that the Imam's knowledge is other than that acquired through sense perception. Hence, his knowledge is different from the knowledge of an ordinary person. Through the Prophet's own guidance the Imam possesses clear insights into religious knowledge. Moreover, he is endowed with direct experience of the truth through his inner eyes. It is because of this that he is protected from any error or forgetfulness, and so acts in accord with this experience and direct observation of religious truth. More importantly, it is this attribute that qualifies him to assume the Imamate of the Muslim community.

In other words, there must exist among the people a perfect individual, one possessing absolute faith in God's revelation and exemplifying the best character and personal qualities in order to lead people in the minutest details of God's ordinances. At all these levels he must be protected from error, forgetfulness, and acts of disobedience. He must be ma'süm. It is the coming together of faith and action, knowledge and practice, that makes him the personification of all the possible human potentials of perfection. The realization of these potentials indisputably annoints him the leader of humanity. If humanity, at any point, is deprived of this leadership, the situation could lead to the disappearance of the divine ordinances which were proclaimed for the betterment of humankind. Moreover, it could lead to the discontinuation of divine help and could sever the connection between the divine and human realms.

In other words, there should always be a person among the people who is endowed with special guidance from God and is protected through God's benevolence in order for him to provide the necessary guidance and lead the people to their perfection in accord with their divinely endowed potentials. Moreover, through his knowledge and in any way possible, he should aid them in their journey towards their Creator. It is the existence of the sacred presence of the Imam as the Proof of God and as a perfect example of religious life that can make the divine presence known and divine worship possible in a society. Without the Imam's existence God cannot be known or worshipped perfectly. The inner self of the Imam is the receptacle for God's knowledge and divine secrets. It is like a mirror that reflects the realities of the material world, and people derive benefit from these reflections."

 He will be a poor stanger unknown and uncared for

"Hadith of Abu Dawud

The Imam who will create a world state will make the ruling nations pay for their crimes against society. He will bring succor to humanity. He will take out the hidden wealth from the breast of the earth and will distribute it equitably amongst the needy deserving. He will teach you simple living and high thinking. He will make you understand that virtue is a state of character which is always a mean between the two extremes, and which is based upon equity and justice. He will revive the teaching of the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the Holy Prophet after the world has ignored them as dead letters.... (prince charles seeks to do this ,read his speeches on Islam)

He will protect and defend himself with resources of science and supreme knowledge. His control over these resources will be complete. He will know how supreme they are and how carefully they will have to be used.( prince charles work for the un on sustainable development is  well known ) His mind will be free from desires of bringing harm and injury to humanity. Such a knowledge to him will be like the property which was wrongly possessed by others and for which he was waiting for the permission to repossess and use.

He, in the beginning, will be like a poor stranger unknown and uncared for, and Islam then will be in the hopeless and helpless plight of an exhausted camel who has laid down its head and is wagging its tail. With such a start he will establish an empire of God in this world. He will be the final demonstration and proof of God's merciful wish to acquaint man with the right ways of life."

Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 141, 187 (Shi'ite Islam)

(World Scripture, IRF, Paragon House Publishing, 1995, p. 785.)

There is no source, no evidence, which indicates that the Messengerhood of Muhammad was peculiar to Arabs or only to those who lived during his lifetime. Quite the contrary, all available sources and evidence confirm that his Messengeric mission is for all times and for all beings.

The above allows for prince charles, a european but with claimed muhamadean lineage and extensive knowledge of islamic law and a regular visitor to islamic holy sites -and participater  in islamic religous rituals.- to be a true prophet and saviour to the islamic world and the prophesised Mahdi -THE GUIDED ONE.






The Muslims expect and enlightened ,great leader to appear at the end of time, they call him Mahdi, or guided one.

According to their prophecies , he will have the following attributes and things concerning him to identify him.

According to these reliable, authentic, and universally accepted narrations, Mahdi will:

Be from among the family of The Prophet (SAW), among the descendants of Fatima(RA);

Have a broad forehead and pointed noise; ( note. The great monarch of europe also described having these features)

Appear in one night; ( must mean appear as mahdi suddenly and take his role as such)

Appear just before the day of judgment; ( in other words in the end time period)

Have same name as hazrat Muhammad(SAW); (be linked to or have the name muhammad- note prince charles cliams to be descended from muhammad)

On his mothers side he is.

"ARAB: Queen Elizabeth II descends from the Muslims who created the Arab Andalusian civilisation of Spain. Since some of those people sprang from the family of the Prophet, The Queen herself is a descendent either directly or collaterally of Mohammed. When Her Majesty visited Morocco in 1980, the Moroccan media pointed out this Islamic ancestry of Canada's Queen."

see link

He will escape from Madina to Makkah where people will pledge allegiance to him; (have muslim/ islamic allegiance given to him- prince charles already has this )

Receive pledge and help of Iraqi people; (be linked to iraqi people and their cause so gaining their support- prince charles  is very involved with the iraqi marsh arabs.)

Fight in battles; (be a head an army- prince charles will one day be first in command of the royal airforce, royal marines, royal navy, the british army and even the sas, and all over bracnches of the british militairy.- now he has secondary command.)

Rule over the Arabs for seven years according to Sunnah; ( become a leader of arabs)

Spread justice and equity on earth; ( i.e  promote islamic studies and bring a time of islamic law to end  lack of justice- prince charles is very active in the promotion of the study of islamic law in great britian in academic capacitiy in islamic university schools and english university and schools and had set up islaimic centres for the study of islamic law.)

Eradicate tyranny and oppression; ( bring at time of peace and justice- like the great monarch of euorpe is prophesised to do)

Lead a prayer in Mekkah which Jesus(pbuh) will follow in; (go to mecca with A false jesus  christ and appear  as to be higher than him)

NOT be the same individual as the Promised Messiah (Jesus). (be distinguished from  thier false christ by the muslims and be greater than their false christ according to their prophecies, for  the false christ will ask him to pray at mecca.


The Holy Prophet Muhammad(SAW) has prophesied about several events that will occur just before the advent of the day of judgment. Among these, Rasulullah(SAW) has foretold the advent of one of his descendants, Al Mahdi (the guided one), which will materialize when the believers are severely oppressed in every corner of the world. He will fight the oppressors, unite the Muslims, bring peace and justice to the world, rule over the Arabs, and lead a prayer in Mekkah at which Isa(pbuh) (Jesus) will be present.

Throughtout the history of Islam, a few individuals -- driven either by the desperate state of Muslims in their community or a selfish pursuit of power and prestige -- laid claim to being Mahdi and found a following among the uninformed masses who were looking for salvation from the heavens. For some of these individuals (like Bab of Iran or Mirza Ghulam of India) the claim to being Mahdi was just a stepping stone to the development of heretic sects which broke away from the fold of Islam. Thus, it is at least prudent to visit the facts of this prophecy and avoid falling pray to false claimants that will appear from time to time.

As Muslims, we should remember that the prophecy about Mahdi is one that will come to pass. This prophecy, however, does not absolve the Muslim ummah from its duty to strive in the cause of Allah(SWT), oppose injustice, and seek peace and betterment of human condition. Centuries have passes from the time of the holy Prophet(SAW) and there is a good possibility that many more will expire before the advent of Al Mahdi. Muslims who are negligent in their duty hoping for a savior are committing a grave mistake and are not following the divine decrees ordained in Quran or taught by Rasulullah(SAW).


The following narrations have been taken from books on which there is no consensus among Muslim scholars. Their authenticity is in question:

According to these hadith, Mahdi will:

Be from the Family of Prophet(SAW) and descend from Hussain(RA), son of Fatima(RA); (here we have links with the prophet mohammad and the Hussain family and Fatima daughter of mohammad.

Appear at the end of time; (end time appearance- like the great monarch of europe)

Appear when earth is filled with injustice and tyranny and believers are severely oppressed; (in a time when arabs are being persicuted by the west- some could argue now to be arab is seen as terrorist)

Appear when a severe earthquaker will occur and green grass will grow (presumably in Arabia);

Fill the earth with justice and equity; (again like the great monarch bring peace and security)

Spread brotherhood, equity, and devotion among Muslims; ( the mahdi is going to unite the muslim world and promote the islamic faith so incresing devotion to islam.)

Rule over Muslim community, according to Hadith, for seven or nine years;

(here we have a distinction from the last versions which are more official - he will rule over the muslim community. prince charles has great influence over the muslim community world wide now.)

Live and act with the qualities of the holy Prophet(SAW). (he will be seen to be a true muslim acting in the way of a holy prophet- by the islamic muslim world)

As you can probably see im already making certain comparisms to this figure the islamic world awaits and prince charles and  in a very startling way these prophecies are like an islamic version of the great monarch of europe prophecies which are also , very credibly pointing to prince charles.

plus the great monarch prophecies indicate very clearly that he (the great monarch of  Europe )

will hold massive influence over the Islamic world.

Of course for the great monarch to also be the mahdi ( guided one )

would stretch our imaginations and would be a great feat for any man .

Yet isnt that want Prince charles in reality is doing?

To the Muslims hes a great man and good muslim,

a freind to islam, the most popular leader to the whole mulsim world,

to quote some muslims.

Also,to the west he's  a  son of the Queen of England.

The next king of england.

Atrue british  prince,

A consumate business man,

Acommited member of the church of England,

Acommited member of the british establishment and also a radical proponent of the united nations' sustainable development policy and a  very prominent enviromentalist,

recently herelded as

"saviour of the world"

To the Roman catholic Church ,he is veiwed as the most pro catholic royal in recent history,

and seen as a freind to all faiths.

So prince charles is many things to many people.

Yet truly seen only how they see his particular face.

And no one would argue he has many.

These narrations are based on opinion of single individuals and are not reliable. However, they indicate that Mahdi might:

Not appear until all Muslims are divided and curse each other (i.e. no brotherhood);

Appear when tyranny and oppression rule and no Muslim is free;

Be announced by a voice from heavens;

Fill the earth with justice and equity;

Lead the prayer which Jesus(pbuh) will follow.

Imam Mahdi

(Descendent of Prophet Muhammad PBUH)

note: prince charles of wales  claims descendancy from muhammad. (ck15)

by Mufti A.H. Elias and Mohammad Ali ibn Zubair Ali

Who Is Imam Mahdi?

Note: Please do not confuse Imam Mahdi with Hadhrat Isa (Jesus) Alayhis Salaam. They are two different persons, and both will come during the last days. According to Hadeeth, Imam Mahdi will appear first, and Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) will appear during Imam Mahdi's lifetime. Furthermore, only Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) will be able to kill Dajjal (the "anti-Christ"). (  note ;who will be a good guy in this case ;ck15)

There picture of antichrist is aleader of thousands of Jews, this obviously means  one of the main leaders of the 144.000.. could be one of the two witness possibly.)

The term "MAHDI" is a title meaning "The Guided one".

Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas'ood (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, "This world will not come to an end until one person from my progeny does not rule over the Arabs, and his name will be the same as my name." (Tirmidhi)

Hadhrat Ali (R.A.) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, "Even if only a day remains for Qiyamah to come, yet Allah will surely send a man from my family who will fill this world with such justice and fairness, just as it initally was filled with oppression." (Abu Dawood)

His Features

Hadhrat Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) relates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, "Al Mahdi will be from my progeny. His forehead will be broad and his nose will be high. He will fill the world with justice and fairness at a time when the world will be filled with oppression. He will rule for seven years."

The above could  just  quite easily have been taken out of the catholic prophecies on the great monarch its wording is almost exactly the same

Other ahadeeth inform us that:

* He will be tall

* He will be fair complexioned ( unusual for an arab.)

* His facial features will be similar to those of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

* His character will be exactly like that of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

* His father's name will be Abdullah

* His mother's name will be Aamina

* He will speak with a slight stutter and occasionally this stutter will frustrate him causing him to hit his hand upon his thigh. ( note prince charles has a strange way of speaking sometimes/ dont know if its a stutter or not. )

* His age at the time of his emergence will be forty years ( prince charles was well established as a leading proponent of islam by age 40)

* He will receive Knowledge from Allah.

His Emergence and Rule

Hadhrat Umme Salmah (R.A.) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, " After the death of a Ruler there will be some dispute between the people. At that time a citizen of Madina will flee (from Madinah) and go to Makkah. While in Makkah, certain people will approach him between Hajrul Aswad and Maqaame Ibraheem, and forcefully pledge their allegiance to him.

Thereafter a huge army will proceed from Syria to attack him but when they will be at Baida, which is between Makkah and Madina, they will be swallowed into the ground.

On seeing this, the Abdaals of Shaam as well as large numbers of people from Iraq will come to him and pledge their allegiance to him. Then a person from the Quraish, whose uncle will be from the Bani Kalb tribe will send an army to attack him, only to be overpowered, by the will of Allah. This (defeated) army will be that of the Bani Kalb. Unfortunate indeed is he who does not receive a share from the booty of the Kalb. This person (Imam Mahdi) will distribute the spoils of war after the battle. He will lead the people according to the Sunnat and during his reign Islam will spread throughout the world. He will remain till seven years (since his emergence). He will pass away and the Muslims will perform his Janazah salaat." (Abu Dawood)

According to a Hadeeth, Sayyidena Eesa (A.S.) will lead the Janaazah of Imam Mahdi (A.S.).

While the people will be pledging their allegiance to Imaam Mahdi, a voice from the unseen will call out:

"This is the representative of Allah,

The Mahdi, listen to him and obey him"

This announcement which will be heard by all those present will establish his authenticity. Another sign which will indicate the authenticity of Imaam Mahdi wil be that in the Ramadhaan prior to his emergence an eclipse of the sun and moon will occur. 9we have had recent eclipses of both moon and sun.)

Hadhrat Abu Umamah (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "There will be four peace agreements between you and the Romans. The fourth agreement will be mediated through a person who will be from the progeny of Hadhrat Haroon (A.S.) and will be upheld for seven years."

here we see peace and security to the forefront, and this mahadi figure able to help the europeans negotiate with the arabs, a job prince charles already does  , through his ammabassader to the middle east role and his strong fareindship with the saudi arabian royal family.)and ofcourse his postion witihn the eec as Charels prince of wales will be the reason the eec would trust him. 

The people asked: "O Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), who will be the Imaam of the people at the time?"

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "He will be from my progeny and will be forty years of age. His face will shine like a star and he will have a black spot on his left cheek. He will don two "Qutwaani" cloaks and will appear exactly as a person from the Bani Israeel..." (Tabrani)

(this spot on the cheek doesnt fit charles as far as im aware.)

According to hadith narrated by Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "...(regarding the rule of Imaam Mahdi) the skies will rain down in abundance and the earth will yield forth its crop in abundance, and those alive will desire that those who have already passed away should have been alive to enjoy this prosperity..."

Hadhrat Buraidah (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "There will be many armies after me. You must join that army which will come from Khurasaan." (Ibn Adi)

Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "(Armies carrying) black flags will come from Khurasaan. No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Eela (Baitul Maqdas) where they will erect their flags."

from: "Signs of Qiyamah"

by Mohammed Ali Ibn Zubair Ali

More Hadeeth (with references) (contributed by Bradley Bilal).

1) The Prophet (PBUH and HF) said: "Even if the entire duration of the world's existence has already been exhausted and only one day is left (before the day of judgment), Allah will expand that day to such a length of time, as to accommodate the kingdom of a person from my Ahlul-Bayt who will be called by my name. He will fill out the earth with peace and justice as it will have been full of injustice and tyranny (by then)."


Sahih al-Tirmidhi, v2, p86, v9, pp 74-75

Sunan Abu Dawud, v2, p7

Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v1, pp 84,376; V3, p63

2) The Prophet (PBUH and HF) said: "al-Mahdi is one of us, the members of the household (Ahlul-Bayt)."

Prince charles claims descendency from the house of muhammad.

Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, Tradition #4085

3) The Prophet (PBUH and HF) said: The Mahdi will be of my family, of the descendants of Fatimah (the daughter of the Prophet (PBUH)).


Sunan Abu Dawud, English version, Ch. 36, Tradition #4271 (narrated by Umm Salama, the wife of the Prophet)

Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, Tradition #4086

4) The Prophet (PBUH and HF) said: "We (I and my family) are members of a household that Allah (SWT) has chosen for them the life of the Hereafter over the life of this world; and the members of my household (Ahlul-Bayt) shall suffer a great affliction and they shall be forcefully expelled from their homes after my death; then there will come people from the East carrying black flags, and they will ask for some good to be given to them, but they shall be refused service; as such, they will wage war and emerge victorious, and will be offered that which they desired in the first place, but they will refuse to accept it till they pass it to a man from my family (Ahlul-Bayt) appears to fill the Earth with justice as it has been filled with corruption. So whoever reaches that (time) ought to come to them even if crawling on the ice/snow since among them is the Vice-regent of Allah (Khalifatullah) al-Mahdi."


Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, Tradition #4082,

The History Tabari

al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar, Ch. 11, section 1, pp 250-251

5) Abu Nadra reported: We were with the company of Jabir Ibn Abdillah... Jabir Ibn Abdillah kept quite for a while and then reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) having said: "There would be a Caliph in the last (period) of my Ummah who would freely give handfuls of wealth to the people without counting it." I said to Abu Nadra and Abu al-Ala: Do you mean Umar Ibn Abd al-Aziz? They said: NO, (he would be Imam Mahdi).


Sahih Muslim, English version, v4, chapter MCCV, p1508, Tradition #6961

Sahih Muslim, Arabic version, Kitab al-Fitan, v4, p2234, Tradition #67

6) "al-Mahdi is from our Ahlul-Bayt, no doubt Allah will enforce his appearance within a night (i.e., his coming is very unpredictable and is very sudden)."

References: Sunan Ibn Majah, v2, p269

Compiled from various sources by,

The Messianic Leader, Mahdi, In Other Religions

Engineer Madani: Is belief in the promised Mahdi confined to the followers of Islam, or does it exist in other religions too?

This opens the door for a multifaith acceptance of this mahdi figure by those joining with the muslims in a multifiath dialogue,

basically the whole of prince  charle's respect band of heads of every faith.

pictured here.

Mr. Hoshyar: In fact, this belief is not limited to the Muslims alone. In almost all religions and heavenly creeds one can find a similar belief in the future savior. The followers of these religions believe that there will come a time when the world will become corrupt and engulfed in a crisis. Evil and injustice will become the rule of the day. Disbelief will cover the entire world. At that time, the universal savior of the world will appear. With remarkable divine help he will restore the purity of faith and defeat materialism with the help of divine worship. Not only are the tidings to be found in revealed books like the Zand and Pazand, and Jamaspname of the Zoroastrians, the Torah and other Biblical books of the Jews, and the Gospel of the Christians, such information can also be seen, more or less, among the Brahmins and the Buddhists.

The followers of all religions and traditions maintain such a belief and are awaiting the appearance of such a commanding figure under the divine protection. Each tradition recognizes this figure with a different name and specific title. The Zoroastrians call him Saoshyant (meaning the 'savior of the world'); the Jews know him as the messiah, whereas the Christians regard him as the Savior Messiah. However, each group believes that this divinely ordained savior will be among them. The Zoroastrians believe he is Persian and among the followers of Zoroaster. The Jews maintain that he will be among the Children of Israel, and the follower of Moses. The Christians think he will be one among them. Muslims believe that he will be among the Hashimites and among the direct descendants of the Prophet. In Islam he has been fully introduced, whereas in other religions this is not so.

It is remarkable that all the characteristics and signs mentioned for this universal savior in other religions are applicable to the promised Mahdi, the son of Imam Hasan 'Askari. It is possible to regard him as Iranian in race because among his ancestors is the mother of the fourth Imam Zayn al-'Abidin who, as the daughter of Yazdgard, the Sassanian king, was a Persian princess. He can also be considered among the Children of Israel, since both the Hashimites and the Israelites are among the descendants of Abraham. The Hashimites are the descendants of Isma'il (Ishmael) and the Israelites are the descendants of Ishaq (Isaac). Hence, the Hashimites and the Israelites are one family. He is also connected to Christians because, according to some traditions, the mother of the present Imam was a Byzantine princess by the name of Narjis (Nargis), who is part of the miraculous story reported in some sources.

It is not appropriate to confine the deliverer of the world, the Mahdi, to one particular nation. He will actually come to fight against all discriminatory claims of racial, creedal and national distinction. Consequently, he should be regarded as the Mahdi of the whole of humanity. He is the savior and deliverer of the people who worship God. His victory is the victory of all the prophets and all the righteous ones on earth. He will be restoring the religion of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and all of the heavenly revelations, namely, Islam; he will revive the pure religion of Moses and Jesus which had foretold the prophethood of Muhammad.

Let us be clear that we have no intention of proving the existence of the promised Mahdi by referring to the ancient books, nor are we in need of doing so. Our intention is to demonstrate that the belief in the appearance of the unique savior of the world is a common religious belief, stemming from divine revelation, of which all prophets gave glad tidings. All nations are awaiting his emergence, but they have made errors in identifying him. . . .

After having demonstrated the necessity for general prophethood to guide humanity to its this- and next-worldly goals, it is accurate to hold that the same proof can be utilized to establish the fact that, whenever the prophet dies, there must exist in his place someone who can lead the community to those ends. This person should be someone who can continue the work of the prophet in providing the divine ordinances and reach out to the people in their search for the religious and spiritual path. God's purposes cannot be fulfilled without such a person existing among the people to promulgate those laws without errors of omission or commission. Thus, in the absence of the prophet, God's benevolence makes it necessary that there should be someone among the people to make sure that divine revelation is protected from human interference and interpolations, and that divine laws are made accessible to the people at all times.

This outstanding person must also, like the prophet, be immune and protected from committing any error and mistakes in receiving, recording and delivering the divine ordinances to establish the proof that God's guidance for the people is intact. Moreover, he should be fully knowledgeable about the truth of the religious ordinances and should himself act upon those ordinances so that others can bring their own acts and opinions into conformity with his and follow his example in their search for truth, without falling into doubt and confusion and without resorting to excuses for not having found the proof of religious truth. Since the Imam must also be protected from committing any error in carrying out this great responsibility, it must be pointed out that the Imam's knowledge is other than that acquired through sense perception. Hence, his knowledge is different from the knowledge of an ordinary person. Through the Prophet's own guidance the Imam possesses clear insights into religious knowledge. Moreover, he is endowed with direct experience of the truth through his inner eyes. It is because of this that he is protected from any error or forgetfulness, and so acts in accord with this experience and direct observation of religious truth. More importantly, it is this attribute that qualifies him to assume the Imamate of the Muslim community.

In other words, there must exist among the people a perfect individual, one possessing absolute faith in God's revelation and exemplifying the best character and personal qualities in order to lead people in the minutest details of God's ordinances. At all these levels he must be protected from error, forgetfulness, and acts of disobedience. He must be ma'süm. It is the coming together of faith and action, knowledge and practice, that makes him the personification of all the possible human potentials of perfection. The realization of these potentials indisputably annoints him the leader of humanity. If humanity, at any point, is deprived of this leadership, the situation could lead to the disappearance of the divine ordinances which were proclaimed for the betterment of humankind. Moreover, it could lead to the discontinuation of divine help and could sever the connection between the divine and human realms.

In other words, there should always be a person among the people who is endowed with special guidance from God and is protected through God's benevolence in order for him to provide the necessary guidance and lead the people to their perfection in accord with their divinely endowed potentials. Moreover, through his knowledge and in any way possible, he should aid them in their journey towards their Creator. It is the existence of the sacred presence of the Imam as the Proof of God and as a perfect example of religious life that can make the divine presence known and divine worship possible in a society. Without the Imam's existence God cannot be known or worshipped perfectly. The inner self of the Imam is the receptacle for God's knowledge and divine secrets. It is like a mirror that reflects the realities of the material world, and people derive benefit from these reflections."

 He will be a poor stanger unknown and uncared for

"Hadith of Abu Dawud

The Imam who will create a world state will make the ruling nations pay for their crimes against society. He will bring succor to humanity. He will take out the hidden wealth from the breast of the earth and will distribute it equitably amongst the needy deserving. He will teach you simple living and high thinking. He will make you understand that virtue is a state of character which is always a mean between the two extremes, and which is based upon equity and justice. He will revive the teaching of the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the Holy Prophet after the world has ignored them as dead letters.... (prince charles seeks to do this ,read his speeches on Islam)

He will protect and defend himself with resources of science and supreme knowledge. His control over these resources will be complete. He will know how supreme they are and how carefully they will have to be used.( prince charles work for the un on sustainable development is  well known ) His mind will be free from desires of bringing harm and injury to humanity. Such a knowledge to him will be like the property which was wrongly possessed by others and for which he was waiting for the permission to repossess and use.

He, in the beginning, will be like a poor stranger unknown and uncared for, and Islam then will be in the hopeless and helpless plight of an exhausted camel who has laid down its head and is wagging its tail. With such a start he will establish an empire of God in this world. He will be the final demonstration and proof of God's merciful wish to acquaint man with the right ways of life."

Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 141, 187 (Shi'ite Islam)

(World Scripture, IRF, Paragon House Publishing, 1995, p. 785.)

There is no source, no evidence, which indicates that the Messengerhood of Muhammad was peculiar to Arabs or only to those who lived during his lifetime. Quite the contrary, all available sources and evidence confirm that his Messengeric mission is for all times and for all beings.

The above allows for prince charles, a european but with claimed muhamadean lineage and extensive knowledge of islamic law and a regular visitor to islamic holy sites -and participater  in islamic religous rituals.- to be a true prophet and saviour to the islamic world and the prophesised Mahdi -THE GUIDED ONE.