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Well that all depends on what you are asking, If your asking is prince charles the antichrist figure, the beast figure depicted in the bible?, there can be many arguments that can stop your question in its tracks, and make it irrelevent before its answered, such as the point made by many that the beast is not an individual person but merely a system. I myself believe the beast is both A SYSTEM AND A PERSON , it pertains to both, they are indivisable. As to the question is he? That's a different matter, i make no claims either way, However if you ask me how many of the facts on him add up and make some sense and are verifyable, true and seem to point to the possibilty that he could be this figure, i will have to tell you that i have researched near enough all the coincidences on him that are used to correlate with and connect him to the known prophectic signs that are a revelation given to us by God the Father to inform us 1)about the antimessiah figure and, 2) what he does , and 3) to a certain extent, identify him by his symbolism. This Symbolism was purpossely given to both identify and keep secret at the same time. It has been or was or is (depending on your opinion) shrouded in mystery since the beginning of time until the present day. and so far, from unbiased respected sources, I have found all these links between charles and the antimessiah and charles symbolism , words and actions, and the words that prophets wrote about the antimessiahs' person words and actions, within the scripture, to be puzzling and then frightengly true and then baffling. For if you look into this there are very definite coincindences which can only be called links if honesty is used. To have so many biblical symbols and prophetic occurences, and identifying events linked to one man and real life events, is amazing, baffling and frightening at the same time, believe me. The claims that seem outlandish about charles, such as for instance, his apparrant claim to be a son of david are prefectly accurate and true. And i have found my own little list of fresh links to him others have not (as yet to my knowledge) come across. For a start i know that prince charles of wales was circumcised in what can only be described as an orthadox jewish ritual, ( trusting my source which pointed to a respected jewish mohel named Rabbi isaac Snowman who actually was chief mohel to the British jewish community at the time, and who performed this ritual.) The site of a present day mohel offering his services to prospective jewish mothers and fathers led me to this info on plain view on his main page, also his page qouted a respected english braodsheet, this is where i found this information, in other words it was a totally independent and trusted source.) So that to me is a proven fact. why? is the only question, seeing as circumcision by real orthadox mohels is equivelent to an adult christian baptism and taken as seriously ,so i have to ask why. for in jewish terms its the right of passage into the orthadox jewish faith. SO I CAN SAFELY SAY PRINCE CHARLES HAS BEEN CIRCUMCISED AS AN ORTHADOX JEW. secondly i can say, PRINCE CHARLES OF WALES IS DEFINTLY WITHOUT ANY DOUBT PERSUING SERIOUSLY THE ISLAMIC FAITH. ARTICLES BY SECULAR JOURNAILIST AND EVEN QOUTES FROM CHIEF MUFTIS ( muftis being top religious clerics in the Islamic faith) POINT TO THIS FACT. I can also say the hereldic beast on charles crest is apparently a pictoral description of the one written of in the book of revelation. Also without ANY doubt i can say that THE RED DRAGON did indeed give charles his power, throne and authority. i have the words of the queen of england herself as a trusted source for this. ( if you actually want to know this to be true by hearing it yourself there is a video of his investiture available.) As to the link between the red dragon of wales and the red dragon carried by the roman legions that destroyed jerusalem and it's temple, in 133 ad, i have a respected source also he has since passed away, but he was a respected academic, who made this link, which wasnt unkown in anycase, but he did a paper on it. recently i have come accross the fact FROM A CATHOLIC SITE NO LESS! that the name WALES actually means ITALY in german. (german being the place of origin of and root of the the word wales.walschland (German ) being the original root word that became the English word wales) so i can now without any silliness. call charles prince of italy. although this may confuse some haha ) according to many sources, the jerusalem post , Prince Charles was at deputy primeminster SHIMON PERES' OFFICES IMMEDIETLY after rabins funeral , insisting that he go to the westbank for a meeting with the Palestinion Authority to negotiate away the golan hieghts. This i cant verify , but its so preposterous i feel its true, seeing as the rest of the info it is lumped together with can be verified, it to my mind seems unlikely that Tim Cohen and the rest of the "charles watchers" would spoil the verifyable researched material's case for serious notice and their own credibilty by throwing in such an outragous sounding claim. (the jerusalem post makes you pay for backdated news, and releases only limited back dated editions free.) Prince charles has been in a proccess of uniting the worlds' religions. To be honest i knew or suspected this may happen, I was waiting,however i couldnt believe my eyes and ears when he launched his RESPECT CAMPAIGN. BUT THE SHOCKING BECOMES NO NEWS WHEN IT ACTUALLY HAPPENS. BUT IT HAS AND IT IS NOW NO NEWS. but just how significant this is cannot be stressed highly enough,although it is now seen as irrelevant by most people This is its great danger even christians who werent AND STILL ARE NOT vocal about its insidous danger, are failing the LOST. My stance on this can be misunderstood, im all for living in peace with your neighbour, but to make relgious groups the focus, and promote the idea that respecting the right of others belief choices means among other things seemingly, actually seeing a likeness between God and allah, and then dressing this up as how you are to be a good neighbour is pure deception and deeply incorrect. It has set a mood , and a trap for the unaware, that is frightening, using the tools of political correctness , and the present fear of terrorism as a good reason for taking such a naive, dangerous and plainly heretical view of the truth for the sake of world peace. Incidently charles has made a new controversy today, seemingly he has been writing some very strange letters to politicians/institutions and even Sadam Hussien and the uk governmant on various subjects, one being how he sees political correctness as madness, he foccusses on the Human Rights bill most of all, wanting foxes to be killed and seemingly the reintroduction of child labour. see here The Charles letters: a PR plausable incompetence campaign? . he has sparked a debate and even a phone poll, asking the general public............ do you think Prince charles should get involved in politics? yes ring........ or no ring ............ etc etc . At this time of writing, listening to bbc 24 news the yeses are winning. I feel the whole thing is cleverly set up to be honest, hes already very political, but few know or believe it. Charles claim to be a Son of King David of Israel? Well the lineage chat drawn up for queen victoria is the reason for the claim. Is it real? i believe so is it accurate? i believe not. Yet the royals believe it is. So there you have the answer to that one. The Israeli people have been exposed to two documentaries so far on this very subject. they know there is no jew alive can make theMessianic claim to be a Son of David, they are being told Charles Prince of Italy can , sorry, Charles prince of Wales. There was also the talk of charles appearing on C..N.N showing he and his sons both had microchip implants in (THEIR RIGHT HANDS ) C.N.N lost the tape seemingly, at the time this seemed outlandish but now mothers want to microchip babies. So the one time unberlievable has again become common place news. Then there are the Catholic Prophecies , they are real enough, but do they describe truth? in some ways they do i believe, but are they deceptive? very much so in my opinion. seeing as they hereld the coming of a great monarch saviour from europe who brings peace to the mideast. they speak of antichrist. but portray him as one who is to be welcomed. BACK TO INDEX