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It is now well known that major events in the late Diana Princes of Wales life coincided with key major astrological events that are very significant to those who practice witchcraft and satanism.

Why was every major ROYAL event surrounding the late Princess of wales set on these key days?

This is more than a coincidence, it has to be, for not every day of the year has such significance to these cults via  the stars and eclipses etc.

So it poses the question, were key things like Diana's marriage  purposefully set  on dates that were known to be of significance to those who follow satanic cults ?

Even her death is noted for it location and has links to both the goddess diana and the Merovingian dynasty.


....yet more coincidence?

Put it this way if Diana had died  anywhere else down that road she would be out of the location that gives us such a coincidence .

So there you have the extra-ordinary coincidences yet again, why is even her death linked to one of the main parts of this whole puzzle?, that is the Merovingian dynasty.



According to the  evil beliefs of those who follow these pagan and antichrist cults like the illuminati for instance, masons- freemasons,  witchcraft and satanism itself, these astrological events would hold a certain  power , that they believe enables them to carry out their plans.

This is what they believe and that is why they follow such an astrological calender, so this is of major significance when you look at the list of atrological coincidences to do with the life of diana and charles while married.


There even seems to be divine cosmic signs happening here, with such  non -human plannable events as births/deaths  etc,

coinciding with eclipses and the like , So may be even God himself is saying to us there is something he want us to notice going on here.

Diana's Life/Death and Solar Eclipses

Date: Friday, 05-Sep-97

From: Chris Mastrangelo

Synchronicity: Diana's Life/Death and Solar Eclipses_

Are you ready for some synchronicities?

I started looking back at a biography of Princess Diana, and the significant dates and events in her life. Then as I also do on Fridays, I started looking at my astronomy web sites that I check regularly. I had mentioned in an email a few months ago that the "Millennium Eclipse" on August 11 1999 will pass over the most populated areas of Europe including England. So I was browsing that information when I noticed that the last eclipse of the same "Saros cycle" as the 1999 eclipse took place on July 31 1981. That reminded me that the royal wedding took place in July 1981 Also, so I looked up the exact date. WHOA! Wait a minute- further checking revealed even more startling "synchronicities" to be described in detail below. But here is the summary:

1)  The ROYAL WEDDING took place less than 24 hours before a TOTAL SOLAR           ECLIPSE!

2)  Prince William was born on the SAME DAY as a partial SOLAR ECLIPSE!

3)  Diana died on August 31. On Sep 1 there was a PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE!

Eclipses take place every six months on average, so it is not at all unusual that SOME significant event would take place on the same day or within a day or two of any particular eclipse. What is amazing that in the case of Princess Diana, the three most significant days of her life ALL took place within a day of a SOLAR ECLIPSE! Her wedding day, the birth of her first child, and the day she died!

And as I have mentioned before, even her NAME is a synchronicity- Diana is the name of the Roman Goddess of the moon, the goddes Artemis.

And eclipses takeplace when the earth, moon, and sun are in alignment. In the case of a SOLAR eclipse, the MOON is between the sun and the earth, blocking the sun and casting a shadow on the surface of the earth.


The false pagan Allah ,the islamic god is also the pagan  moon god signified by the crescent moon, which is also the crescent horned pagan palestinion god baal the enemy of isreal.

Perhaps diana was  being groomed to be the queen who supported the anti isreal crusade of the beast king, yet would have non of it, and was about to blurt out to the world media, what she knew, and so was killed.

It is interesting to note that a week before she died, on the I.T.N news in the uk, she and dodi fayed were filmed in Niece  Southern france on  Muhamad Al fayed's boat. The world press and papparazii  were on another boat and shouted over to Diana for a picture and comment on her liason with the  muslim son of the Harrads owner  M .Al Fayed.

she shouted back in response to this, a very sensational and shocking thing.

Hardly a thing the most tabloid hounded  and paparazii persued  woman in the world would do to keep her by then  almost non existant  privacy.

"Just you wait in a weeks time there is going to be an anouncement made that will shake the world"

I have a witness to verify this is true , for they too heard this on this I.T.N News item, but although the I.T.N archives have the story they ommit these words of diana from the archived article.

It was thought at the time Diana had plans to marry Dodi Fayed, but it has since been made clear by  many of Diana's closest confidents ,that she had no plans to marry Dodi, infact she was recoving from the loss of the prospect of marrying a man she was in love with,  he was also a muslim , in fact he was a surgeon Diana was smitten with, but  he had turned down her plans for marriage.

So this  news that was going to shake world had nothing to do with Diana marrying either of these men, in fact it was an anouncement Diana herself  deemed enough to even shake the foundations of the worlds institutions , for that was her asessement of the affect it would have.

So it was some information Diana herself knew of and had herself found shocking, hence she said it would "shake the world"

A week later she was dead.

=== Here is some background information so ===

=== you can verify these dates for yourself ===

Source #1: A biography of Princess Diana, at this website:

Source #2: Partial Solar Eclipse : September 2,1997

Source #3: Eclipses in History and Literature

Here is an excerpt:

Stonehenge, Babylonia, Egypt -- each culture developed a unique approach to eclipses. But only the Babylonians discovered the long-range prediction cycle, the saros. An eclipse cycle can also be used to go backward in time. This technique has proven useful to historians in fixing exact dates of past events.

Stonehenge was an ECLIPSE COMPUTER! Why were the ancient Druids so concerned about the timing of eclipses? Yes, they were superstitious, and believed eclipses to be a bad omen, linked with the DEATH of KINGS. Understanding the lunar calendar also helped to understand the universe and man's place in it, and to determine a schedule to plant and harvest crops.

On July 29, 1981, before 2,650 guests and a worldwide television audience of 750 million spectators, "Shy Di," the new shining hope of the people, rode to St. Paul's Cathedral in a glass coach for the wedding of the century;

Now to the real business...


The Royal Wedding took place on July 29, 1981. Less than 48 hours later, a total solar eclipse took place that was visible in Asia. 1981 Jul 31 T 0.579 108 02m02s

The next eclipse in the same "Saros" cycle (145) occurs in 1999 and passes over England and many of the most populated cities in Europe. 1999 Aug 11 T 0.506 112 02m23s

I have called that eclipse the "Millennium Eclipse" because it is the last total eclipse of the 20th century. There are NO TOTAL solar eclipses in the year 2000 at all (they are all partial). The next total eclipse, and the FIRST TOTAL ECLIPSE of the Third Millennium occurs on Jun 21 2001 !

That's right, you guessed it- on Prince William's 19th birthday! Will HE be seated on the throne by then? Or will Charles be King?

*** Prince William born June 21 1982

THE royal family welcomed the heir apparent and first of two sons, William Arthur Philip Louis, into the world on June 21, 1982, and Diana's hands-on mothering skills stood her in good stead with the royal family and a watchful planet. By the time Prince Harry arrived on the scene a little over two years later,

1982 Jun 21 Partial Solar Eclipse

On June 21, 1982, there was a partial solar eclipse that was only visible in the South Atlantic, but it took place on the solstice, near the prime meridian which intersects Greenwich England, and was occurring during the period of the grand conjunction of planets that occurred in 1982, while Mars was between Jupiter and Saturn and all three planets were contained within 15 degrees around the ecliptic.

1997: Princess Diana dies August 31 after midnight Paris time, 1997 Sep 1 Partial Solar Eclipse; Saros=125

Less than 48 hours AFTER the crash, a partial solar eclipse took place, visible in the South Pacific, Australia, and New Zealand.

Don't think I am trying to deceive anyone about the Sep 1/2 issue. The time of MAXIMUM eclipse occurred at approximately 00 hours GMT- midnight in Greenwich, but local noon on the other side of the planet. So the eclipse began on Sep 1 and continued into Sep 2.

*** One last footnote ***

Biography of Diana's life. Diana had her day in media court in November of 1995: on a BBC news show, Panorama, she soberly admitted that Charles' affair with Camilla had incited in her "rampant bulimia," that the Hewitt affair did in fact happen, and, furthermore, that she wouldn't "go quietly."

A Total Solar Eclipse took place Oct 24 1995; two weeks later, a total lunar eclipse. During those two weeks, Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated in Israel, and NASA released the pictures of the Eagle Nebula taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. I had forgotten that the BBC interview with Diana also occurred that month.

We are in the midst of such an "ECLIPSE SEASON" now! In November 1995 I was reminded of the verse from the New Testament (Matthew 24: Lines 29-30).

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.

And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."

we had Diana's death, a solar eclipse, and I JUST heard on the radio that Mother Teresa died today also! There are so many ironies-:similarities and differences. But in the sense that "all the tribes of the earth" will be in mourning at the same time- the outpouring of grief and sympathy for Diana in the UK and US is much more than anyone ever expected, and much more than there was for Rabin. Yes, they are very different situations and circumstances, I know. Yet all Anglicans, Protestants, and most of the English speaking western world regardless of religion was touched in some way by Diana. Now Mother Teresa, who was very old and sick- her death is not as shocking, but the mourning and tributes by Catholics will also be great. Mother Teresa has been called the world's only living saint, and is expected to be canonized; while in a sense, Diana after her death is being "canonized" by the same media that hounded her in life.

I'm just a little nervous- what else will happen between now and the total lunar eclipse on Sep 16 (visible only in Asia)

They say these things "happen in threes." The whole western hemisphere is in mourning. If there is also the death of a significant person in Asia (Mother Teresa was in Calcutta India, but she is renowned more in the west) then I will be especially nervous.

In that month, we had a solar and lunar eclipse, the assassination of a world leader, the Israeli Prime Minister no less, and a funeral to which every nation sent representatives. There were also other "Signs in the Heavens." But it was not a complete fulfillment of the verse which says "and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn." It was a precursor  and shadow of events yet to come,when Jesus Christ returns to earth from heaven in clouds, from above in great power and glory.

Chris M