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I just wanna thank my mom for letting me use her camera for most of these photos. So a BIG THANK YOU to my MOMMY!!!! LOVE YOU MOM!!!!

I saw this tree in front of John's Place in Victoria. I thought it was really, really cool. Two trees in one.
These are flowers that used to be on our smaller upper deck until grandpa had to cut them all down. I think they were getting to heavy. But they always smelled so nice when they were in bloom. I miss them.
This is a tree on the golf course near my house. I thought it was pretty neat.
I forget where in Washington I was when I took this picture. But the house looked kind of spooky, like in one of those scary movies, but it looked so cool. I changed the color of the pic on Adobe to "add effect" so to speak, adds a little "age" to the photo to, ne? I think it turned out great.
I was fooling around with my mom's camera (with her permission) and just took this picture of the chandelier in my house. I thought it turned out pretty cool. I love it when the sunlight shines in through the window behind it. It makes the prettiest rainbows on the wall. ::grin::
I was out on my deck and noticed this spiderweb on one of my grandpa's garden things. Well since it was in the afternoon, no dew on the web. So I took a spray bottle, filled it with water and started to spray the web until little beads of water formed. Then I just stood back a bit and took the picture, again with my mom's camera. I thought it turned out great!! Just the way I hoped it would! =>
Mom and I were on vacation, and she took me to this one place. I have no idea right now where this garden is, I'll have to ask my mommy. But anyhoo, we went hiking and we went up this hill, and when I looked down I saw this great opportunity to take this picture. Pretty cool huh?? I thought so. =>
I took this a few years ago when I went to see the Christmas Ship near the Shilshole Bay Marina. They have a bond fire there every year. So when the fire wasn't so high I used my mom's camera to take a close up of the fire. I was SOOO happy they way it turned out the way it did. => ::big grin::
I was vacationing in Victoria one summer, with my mom and her boyfriend, John, and one night I decided to try to take a night picture with my mom's camera. So I since we were by the waterfront, cause we took John's boat up, I wanted to take a pic of the building that lit up every night. Sorry don't know the name at the moment. I put the camera on this concrete thing, so not to get a blury effect, put it on one of the lowest shutter speeds, opened the shutter up to a setting I thought would work and shot the pic. And well lucky me it turned out wonderfully! I get SOOO lucky sometimes, cause half the time I have no idea on what to set the camera at. (Sorry Mr. Wang, didn't really pay attention on that section in class. =P
