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The Three Evils

I believe that everything that is wrong in the world can be traced back to one of what I like to call the three evils: Ignorance, Complacency, and Surfacism.

Ignorance is not seeing or refusing to see what is blatant, or maybe seeing what is nonexistent, or perhaps both. Ignorance is comprised of a lack of perspective, and involves the inequity of being socially blind. Unfortunately for the ignoramus, they are unaware of their situation, and, thus, cannot correct it.

Complacency is partially ignorance, partially arrogance, and partially stupidity. A complacent person is one who is in a situation or set of situations that are less than satisfactory, yet has no desire to correct or better their said situation(s). This is because they think that they can't do any better, and are in a way proud of themselves(arrogance). Also, they fail to see their capacity for improvement(ignorance). Finally, they aren't reacheable by society because they're too damn stupid to realize what the hell is going on(stupidity).

The third evil is sort of a combination of the first two. Surfacism is basically like what sounds. To be blunt, a surfacist is shallow. They lack personality and depth, and only care about material things. They rely on physical sight alone, and completely ignore their intellectual sight, never using it to their advantage in their frivolous lives. Surfacists prey on instant gratification, and often lack good hindsight, so they don't often correct the idiocies that they've committed in the past.

I'm not a self-help guru. I'm not a psychologist. I don't know much about psychology, for that matter. These are just my subjective opinions; believe them if you wish. I do know, however, that by removing these things from your life, you will avoid the pissing off of deep, aware, intelligent individuals like myself(perhaps I should follow my own advice?).
