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"The Garbage Is Screaming!"

My normal singing voice is soft and low. One day without any warning, about thirty years ago, I suddenly burst into my version of opera, very high, loud and expressive, with hand gestures and everything. My children froze in their tracks, and stared at me with open mouths!

"The garbage is SCREAMING for help!" I warbled, because I had felt like yelling, but opera seemed much more fun. "Its mouth is WIDE OPEN, with things falling out! It is burrrrrrsting at the seams! Can you help it, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease?"

The children began giggling, and together, they rushed to the can, and working together, they took out the garbage.

I was stunned with pleasure! I got the job accomplished without even having to ask, or risk a disappointed look, or a slow obedience. Here they were doing it, giggling! Believe me, I have used that opera method ever since!

And it still works! You'd be amazed how many things can get accomplished in the name of fun, with no hard feelings anywhere, and a minimum of stress! Plus, just singing at the top of your lungs, and waving your hands around, making a joke, is very healing for a mother who was nearly ready to yell. The opera method diffuses all tension and ill will, providing a stress-less environment in which things can get done in speedrocket time!

"Sarah, your shoes are callllllling you! They want your warm feet inside!"

"The dishes are sick with waiting, kids! In a minute, green mold might grow on them, and they could CROAK from diseeeeease! They're sobbing in the sink. Help!"

"Sheena, your beans are crrrrrryying! They're getting cold, and they want to come in!"

"Honey, your toys want to get in the box, and they caaaaaannnt do it! They are crrrrrrryyyying! They are scaaaaaaarrred! Can you help them get in the box?"

"Kyle, your bathtub is nearly full, and it's going into a paaaanic! The water is terrrrrrified! It is afraid it is going to overflow, and run out across the carrrrrrpppett, and out the door, and down the streeeeet, and get lost!"

"Michael, your bed is lonesome for you! What if it cries so much it makes a puddle in your bed?"

"Matthew, your clothes want to jump into their drawer! They're alone and scared in their basket!"

"Jordan, your coat was in here calling for you, when you were out in the rain! Can you make your coat happy now, when you go outside again?"

"Katie, your homework is feeling lost and lonely. It is hungry for your attention, and it needs you to write on it. If it starts crying, it might wreck your work ..."

Any mothers out there who would like to try their opera skills, and accomplish some extra work at home while you're at it? It's worth a try!

2006 Rosemary Gwaltney

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