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Notes to the Online Yugoslav Bird Checklist:

This is a list of all species seen in recent years, including species recorded in last 20 years and so. This is only the basic checklist, so birders would know what to look after in the region, but with no specification of nesting data, in fact – because of much compact data being shown at once – with no additional data at all: we are not supplying here the circumstances in which the species were recorded (such as when and where the bird was seen, which ornithological authority officially verified it, which where the nesting sites etc.).

The main purpose of the list is so that foreign birder collegaues can evaluate which species occur in this important part of the Pannonian and Balcan region. Note: In near future look for links to specific species (pictures, maps, data) on these pages. These will only be those uncommon speces and rarities for the Southern-Central European territory, and will be shown with color lines.

The list has been compiled mostly from recent bird reports and other published listings, and is not ultimately complete, as in it should have been included even more species classified among expected/possible occurances (signed with question mark), such as Bubulcus ibis, Motacilla citreola, Acrocephalus agricola, Hippolais polyglotta, Carduelis hornemanni, Carpodacus erythrinus, either some of which seen in all neighbouring countries, either older specimens of which are found in local museums (birds shoot for the collections, but with deficient data), or are species very rare, yet periodically occuring across Europe, thus should be recorded soon.

Introduced, transportee or escapee species also are left out as which's possible breeding populations are not self-sustaining (such as in case of Aix galericulata or one instance of a tame Aquila nipalensis escaped from a Zoo).

As for the literature, among others the list has been based on the Catalogus Faunae Jugoslaviae – Aves (Ljubljana, 1973; Matvejev - Vasić) and on official Vojvodina checklist by Mr Garovnikov, published in Novi Sad by the Institute for Nature Protection of Vojvodina (1979, Priroda Vojvodine - God. V), plus on latest data published in Birding periodicals (such as "Aquila" - Hungary, "Larus" - Croatia, "Ciconia" - Serbia etc.). The recent, but less precise monographical work Birds of Serbia by Mr Rašajski (published in Novi Sad, 1996), eg. for the Serbian bird names, also was used. We have also taken in consideration the data for Yugoslavia published in the "Birds of Europe" guides (Such as The Peterson and Collins Field Guides), especially for birds specific for the seaside.

One could notice that data for Montenegrin species is weak, incomplete in this list. Further examination of the avifauna of the Yugoslav seaside (and mostly all of the southern region, like Kosovo) in nearest future is needed. Notice to the Yugoslav birdwatchers and for the potential foreign birders is made to concentrate on these less studied, but more interesting areas and look especially for the expected mediterranean, or othervise sea-specific and cliff-specific species, or the high mountain ones (such as the numbers 9, 10, 12, 15, 75, 100, 165, 166, 174, 175, 182, 187, 188, 189, 206, 215, 292, 308, 349).

Even so after the disintegration of the ex-SFR Jugoslavija 'Bird and Nature Paradise' (with about 275 nesting bird species!), this region, with the recent 372 in total species has still proven to be among the richest in birds countries of Europe.

List uploaded: 14. Nov. 2000

Comments, corrections should be made to the Author.