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Clara's Accutane Journals: includes 2 courses, 1 course of Blue Light

The First Accutane Journal (a temporary success) and Blue Light Therapy (a disapointment) and Accutane III (the LAST journal)
Week 1 and Pic
Weeks 2-4 and Pic.
Weeks 4-6 with Pic.
Weeks 6-8 with Pic.
Weeks 8-10 with Pic.
Weeks 10-12 with Pic.
Last Day with Pic.
3 Weeks after the Last Day
1-2 months later
4 Monthes Later (Oct. 10)
6 Monthes after Accutane (Nov. 26)
7-8 Month Update
9 Month Update!!!! JAN. 30TH 2004
BLUE LIGHT (for acne) session #1 of 4... aka my sunburn from HELL.
BLUE LIGHT (for acne) session #2 of 4
BLUE LIGHT (for acne) session #3 of 4
BLUE LIGHT (for acne) session #4 of 4
Blue Light (2 weeks later)
1 Month Update
6 Month Update
BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!
Final Update before Accuane III

Comments? Questions? E-mail me!

Like many others, I have struggled and battled with the physical and emotional effects of severe acne. Ever since the eighth grade, my self-confidence took a nose-dive, lowering my self-esteem and making me feel ugly. While girls my age were buying make-up for the fall look, I was buying it to hide behind, covering my embarrassing and unwanted blemishes. I was jealous of the girls who would “freak out?when they found one pimple. For me, I was happy when my pimples reduced to ten. Twice in my life, my dermatologist prescribed me to Accutane, a harsh five-month treatment for severe acne. My second treatment of Accutane induced me to write my experience in an online journal. In April of 2003, I began my second Accutane journey. I've recorded my experiences and posted my pictures each month that I was on the drug. After the next few months, I began receiving support e-mails from various people around the world! David, from London wrote, “Just want to let you know how brave I think you are. Having acne is embarrassing at the best of times and you have had the courage to share your own experiences with anyone who wishes to know about it.?A woman from Australia commented, “It is good to see that a fellow Accutane user posted her results, because now I’m more confident and happier with taking this drug. Previously, I was a little scared of the side-effects . . .?The comments I received influenced me to continue posting my experience–even after I stopped taking the drug. Hearing from other people gives me encouragement knowing that I wasn’t the only one who suffered in this way. I am currently finishing my third course of Accutane (June-September 2004). Even if I break out again after taking Accutane,I do not plan to ever take it again... why? PLease check out my acne blog and you'll find a letter I recieved from someone who has convinced me that there is an alternative to Accutane-- and even Blue LIght for that matter. from california, i welcome you to my personal accutane journal. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORTING E-MAILS/QUESTIONS/COMMENTS SENT TO ME! ^^