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Online journal #3-June 16, 2003

Today's online journal is a responce to an article. To see the article, click here.

I see this note:(Of course, this letter is meant to be a satirical comment on whaling.)
And I feel the author thinks Western countries that have no whaling culture should not
interrupt food cultures of other countries. And he or she states too much protection
of whales causes unexpected bad effect on earth's ecosystem. I have ever heard of
it on a newspaper's advertisement or some other media. Because whales eat much more
fish and marine creatures than humans catch and eat by themselves. In addition to
whales' great diet, they have no enemy except for whale-hunters. And the world
strongly protect only whales except other marine creatures. And we keep catching and
eating seafoods outside of protection.

So I totally agree with this author. If whaling countries
set an appropriate limit of whaling, they will not kill too many whales. In some regions in
Japan, people take whaling as their culture. For example, Shimonoseki city, a city of
Yamaguchi prefecture, was a whaling base port those days. Now, Shimonoseki is a base
port of Japanese scientific whaling. In addition to Shimonoseki, there is another region
where whaling is taken as a culture. It is Nagato city. In Nagato, there are some former
whale-hunters. I watched a TV program about them, their whaling and their life. They
said they wanted to protect and pass on their culture to newer generations.
in the program.
Because I know it, I can not easily disagree to the article.

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