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Online journal #22-November 10, 2003

On November 8th, I had a "Nabe party" with Yukari and Mari. We had "kimch"
nabe then and it was quite good. We made a plan to have another party some
day while we were enjoying the nabe.

Yukari and Mari went shopping for the food to use in nabe before they came to
my apartment, where to have our party. I didn't imagine what happened until they
appeared with the foods to use. The amount they bought seemed too much to
be eaten up by three but we succeeded in eating up thanks to Mari's effort.
It was the first time for me to have "kimch" nabe and I imagined it would be
very hot in two senses, the heat and the taste. My idea turned out to be true.
It tasted very hot. I couldn't help saying "Hot!" repeatedly while I am eating it.

I had to wash the dishes and tools we used in cooking and eating after we ate it up.
Yukari and Mari were full and they said they could hardly move. I was thinking that it
was lucky to have been escaped from a huge threat of "Yami-nabe" while I was
washing the dishes. They said they had a "Yami-nabe" party before the day of
"kimch" nabe. I was scared of what they had before because "Yami-nabe" is the
most grotesque event that is done among people without a kind of fear and only
wastes the food in my opinion. Simultaneously I felt a little bit tired of the orange
and red color of chili pepper of kimch nabe sauce. It was found in various
spots in my kitchen.

The next time we have a party, we won't necessarily have a nabe, but my apartment
and kitchen seems to be used again without fail. It's possibly acceptable
unless I'm in trouble.

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