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FRI JAN 12th- Marty and James set out on their first 107 venture without Nick. There was lots of fun. The beer was a plenty. This was a totally different night at 107-Awesome though. The details are very blury. Marty and James were definately more ambitious. This marks a new attitude.

FRI JAN 19th- We all set out in a cab to rock the party at 107. Marty wore his new DEALER sweater-'Twas a hit!! The red carpet was rolled out for Nick's return (Tuesday's gone). James got a pinky promise from his beloved shooter girl. Colin came for the party. Randy showed up Crutchless. Jeremy was missing in action again. The Coffee Time lady was Raging as always!!

FRI JAN 26th- Pajamas got the crew together in the potmobile (Germ obviously out of commision again). Wok & Bok Happened. Todd, Jay, Dan, 3.14=Pi, Tersigni, Macauly Culkin and some ugly girls showed up at 107. The dancerfloor was wide open so we hit it...everybody else followed. Nig unveiled the hab jersey. Nig stocked up on rev. Nitram grabbed his beer(the non-stop kind). Pajamas took it easy...but not too easy. Wok & Bok Happened. Somehow Nitram & Nig ended up sitting down on the dancefloor and having a lengthly conversation...Everyone wanted them to get up=didn't happen(Nitram took some brief interval to see what was happening topside...nothing significant). Nitram took Nig over to a guy with a leaf jersey. Pajamas had some tension with various people. Chicken Patties rounded the night off...then back to our living quarters until the next time.

FRI FEB 02-Nitram & Nig and Roondy set off in a cab to 107. Nig had something special to do. he taped a J to an important note to Andy Frost asking that "Only God Knows Why" was played at the end of the night as a tribute to the life of his Grandmother (RIP). They entered and Nitram was denied a ticket for the Cancun draw by the fuckin dickless faget at the door. Everyone checked their coats. Nig gave the note to Frost, the joint was returned and Frost said "I'll be happy to play your request. Meanwhile Nitram and Roondy got drinks. Nig went to get smokes...He came back and got a ticket for the draw. Everyone hit the floor. We lit up to the intro with a J each (Nig & Nitram). Renegades rocked the show. We passed amongst the ladies. "There was clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right". More drinks happened when Nitram got a tap on the back...It was his cousin!! having a crazy ass time. Nitram headed to his corner for a bit...A place he used to know well. Nig got a bottle of Champagne...and Nitram brought the cousin to our area. We lit up some more...and this is where Nitram blanks out.....But twas told that he had puked on the dancefloor in a cool little corner...tried to dance his jacket and returned for "Only God Knows Why". Then left abruptly to get chicken patties...he didn't even eat. This remains another Unsolved mystery.

FRI FEB 9TH-Pajamas, Nitram and The Germster (Finally Got out to Party- And out of the dreaded relationship) set for 107...stopped off for a before the party coffee. Entered and got wrecked...Smoked some screwed up girls. Got into a bit of trouble and did some other unmentionables. They left for home in a cab with a few weird brampton crackheads. Everybody was too drunk to remember other details.

FRI FEB 16TH- BLACK FRIDAY...the end...?...

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