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The Poetry Of.
Sarah M. Zang...............

The Front End of Spring

Flute notes of bird song
ripple the wind,
It's early
for such miracles,
but faith works wonders,
and ears,
hungry to hear,
are attuned to the whisper,
as dawn in a soft silk gown
slips through the trees,
leaving them blushing
with blossoms, Morning
showers make rainbows,
It's a magical world.


shoestrings and hairpins
super glue and staple gun
pegs and dovetails
(nails rust)

Whatever it takes
to make the walls
withstand the wind

to turn the numbers
right side up again
but no less dazzling
with the glass unstained

let it so stand


one opens, one closes
a lock slams shut
with a clang, a window
becomes the escape

we stand at the foot
of an ocean, a toe hold
in slipping sand
with a wave coming in

can you feel the adrenalin
that primal surge
of fight or run
the squeak of a hinge

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