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The Poetry Of.
Al Ferber.....................................................

Captain Kid(d)

I find myself a pirate
without a ship or mates
no deck to swab
no masts no sails
to fly into the wind
without a sunken
treasure chest to seek
no gold doubloons
no village to pillage
no virgins to rape
no prisoners to take
no victories to be won
with only my black
flag with white skull
and crossed bones
to show how life
has poisoned me

Sword Swallower

in the photograph
she looked forlorn
legs crossed
head bowed
known as the
sword swallower
of Levittown
a hand
job blow job
dick teaser specialist
out on the streets
and back seats
of high school cars
and I not a beneficiary
of her largesse
was her sir gallahad
charging in
to defend her drunken
virtue in parking lots
defend her cum stained
honor extol her virtues
over coffee after coffee
in all night diners
only to drive her home
half sobered up
but still in a funk
that she would
never rise above


he's stopped returning
my calls
he is a great pyramid
to the size of a pen point
a great panacea of a man
the man who wasn't there
the great roar of joy
and celebration
of the discovery
of the trick behind the
bullshit smile
suddenly gone silent
a jumbo jet
fallen off the radar screen
not going gently
into that good night
but curling up under his blanket
with a fetal cry
as the killer eats him
from inside out

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