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The Poetry Of.
Dwight Bitikofer................................


We arose
while it was still dark
waning moon high west

At the Easter sunrise service
church youth performed a skit
- a bit obscure I thought -
but one son played guitar
though the musicians were not amped
for the kind of volume that last year
opened some neighbor's tomb of sleep.
Three cars of police were sent,
the officers, unsure, embarrassed
like the Roman guards may have been.
The high volume, high energy
youth leader has moved on

This year
we watched the morning star
(perhaps it was really Venus)
that glowed its point of light
still in the brightening sky
- the church obscured the sunrise.
The air was warm
Cardinals and a choir
of other birds
sang to the April morning

And a flock of geese
flew north above the gathering
before we arose again
to go inside
for breakfast

February 18

Shadows lay on melting snow, bare patches
reveal hints of spring, brown to green
second month trails away, equinox thirty days;
dog leaves tracks where she sniffs scents
gray trees summon a bright blue easel,
etch the sky with black limb lines
far above melting tracks, dog and I

Persona non grata
or traveling without a wallet

I am no one whom I can prove
only flesh and blood and breath
traveling light
less wallet, license, credit cards

I say my name
it rings hollow to doubting ears
unconfirmed by paperwork, electronic trail
a blank screen

Here - I could offer a poem,
my breath, my touch -
all essences of who I am
But nothing to prove this voice is me

You and I - we could dance - arc low, swing high
drink from one another's lips and then make love
- it would matter to no one, wouldn't count
straddling a persona non-grata

Person standing here, walking there
levitating in the wind, song blown away,
meditating in a field of mist - disappears -
nowhere, no one, nothing

I am not me - what you see is merely an illusion
missing provable collusion
between your vacant stare
and my conspiracy to be

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