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Summer Issue
The Cabana Cantos

Vol.7, Issue 3
Date of Issue, August 1, 2008

Sirens' colors
calling blue, ululating
across the lawn from deck chairs draped
in colored towels and flowered tongs, flung
hastily from feet~ the heat, the long retreat
from care~

where words are air.

Nathan A. Baker
Karen Corcoran Dabkowski
Steve De France
Al Ferber
Kenneth P. Gurney
Jan Oskar Hansen
Joseph Lisowski
Harold Lorin
Rick Marlatt
Deborah Rey
Kim Rush
Kenneth Widmerpool

Excitement, movement through color, indeed life
is the only way to describe master painter

Charles Warren Mundy

whose sureness of brush animates each canvas.
I respond to his art emotionally, as if viewing the
best of Impressionists~ Degas, Manet, even Van Gogh
himself~ this artist deserves a place alongside
them. His work is breathtaking.


August's Editorial

Whatever Happened
To The Pastoral?

Have We Grown
Too Jaded?

by ruffledpanties

Return to:
After The Fruit: Raging
Outside of Eden

(Editor's Website)


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