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Summer Issue
Tucked In Our Private Cottages

Vol.4, Issue 3
Date of Issue, August 1, 2005

Hazy, bluish heat. Peat moss sheltered plants,
and in our minds the slowish days of summer tucked
invisibly inside, where we can hide in little cottages made of
bee buzz~ thistle fuzz~ and Adirondak chairs,
where words are air.


Karen Corcoran Dabkowski
Anita Dahlman
Al Ferber
Marie Lecrivain
Harold Lorin
Suchoon Mo
Wayne Noone
Michael Rivet
Marie Gail Stratford
~and introducing~

Since the movies of the 30's and 40's,
I've had a love affair with black and white
images. There's an eloquence that eludes color
entirely to reveal the magic of light and shadow.
It creates the creamy 'otherworld' of opposites.
Come feast your eyes on the sharply rendered photos of
Alistair Baird
~ small masterpieces ~ from his own 'Fine Art Photos'.
Nothing is as dramatic as the play of contrasts- nothing
quite as moody or evocative through
any other lens than "B&W".


August's Editorial
Risen From Rock...
Survival Through Poetry

Joshua Tree photo by Doug Richardson

by ruffledpanties

Return to:
After The Fruit: Raging
Outside of Eden

(Editor's Website)


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