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Late Spring Issue
Crazy Shack of Dreams

Vol.4, Issue 2
Date of Issue, June 1, 2005

For everyone, it's different. Different roof and shingle,
varied places~ in the woods or at the beach or between
the ears~ but everyone has a blue house, tingled with dreams
where they shape their words from air, where they split
the seams and step inside the mind
and hear a singing.


Karen Corcoran Dabkowski
Jabezz Dezerai
Anita Dahlman
Al Ferber
Jan Oskar Hansen
Harold Lorin
Corey Mesler
Wayne Noone
Doug Richardson
Michael Rivet
Marie Gail Stratford
Al Swanson

I don't know how she manages
to capture light with paint in quite
this way, but the oil-paintings of
Jeanette Le Grue
have all the magic of Impressionism's
dreamscapes. Daubs of color placed so precisely,
the sun is a real and comforting, butter yellow.
Everything merest suggestion yet I long to
walk inside the world that she creates.

June's Editorial
Opening Up Doors,
Breaking Through The Glass

by ruffledpanties

Return to:
After The Fruit: Raging
Outside of Eden

(Editor's Website)


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