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Winter Edition
Beneath Lights, A Deep Forlorn

Vol.3, Issue 5
Date of Issue, December 1, 2004

Deeper than lights
that glow on snow, colder than
winter could be, even with Infant
in the straw, there's sadness~ as the world
a side of madness shows, and little
law~ while words are air.

Karen Corcoran Dabkowski
Peggy Dobreer
Richard Fein
Dan Gallik
Marie Lecrivain
Harold Lorin
Wayne Noone
Aire Celeste Norell
Doug Richardson
Padma Jared Thornlyre

Tactility, sinuous tendrils and a definite
Mayan influence mixed with H.R. Giger is how
I would describe the highly original sculptures
of Italian artist, Andrea Bonazzi~
In Tenebris Sculptus
Treat yourself to a click on the 'photo montages'
where his sculptures are incorporated into photos of
famous personages such as H.P. Lovecraft and Ambrose
Bierce, then visit the animated versions of his work
to fully appreciate the amazing originality
of this multi-talented artist.


December's Editorial
Poetry In The Time Of War
Portion of Picasso's 'Guernica'

by ruffledpanties
Return to:
After The Fruit: Raging
Outside of Eden

(Editor's Website)


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