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Summer Issue
Scribbled In Hot Dust

Vol.3, Issue 3
Date of Issue, August 1, 2004

Heated pavements, scalded skies in
August's stony caldron, cannot choke
the bluing glowing bright within
the pall of heat; it's lolling
there, where words
are air.


Gary Angelusi
Karen Corcoran Dabkowski
Richard Fein
Dan Gallik
Amari Hamadene
Marie Lecrivain
Harold Lorin
Stephen Mead
Wayne Noone
Padma Jared Thornlyre
Dave Wheeler

As the August heat beats down, there is a
golden clarity that settles onto objects, so
that their very reality is intensified. I
find the same clarified, pure light in
the spare paintings of artist

I see a correlation between the concentration
of these still life paintings and the writing of
poetry; there is arrangement and a narrowing
down of choices. There is the energy of the
thing itself in its remarkable focus.


August's Editorial
Turning Toward The Light

Giving The Poem What It Needs
by ruffledpanties


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After The Fruit: Raging
Outside of Eden

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