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Welcome to The Wedge Page! This page was last updated on 7-15-2000, so there! Check out my logo! (Oooh, sparkly! #_# )

Welcome to the Wedge Page! This is the home of THE absolute shrine to Wedge! No, no, if you came here looking for Mr. Antilles, you came to the wrong place. This is a shrine dedicated to Wedge in Final Fantasy VII! I do have other things about the Wedges from Final Fantasy VI and VIII, but the main focus is on Mr. Roly-Poly himself! So even if you are a hardcore fan of Star Wars and are totally bummed out by this site, stay a bit and just maybe you can see why Wedge is so cool!

Why make a character shrine about Wedge, you ask? Well, for the first and most obvious reason, he is my favorite Final Fantasy character in the whole series. No, Cloud is a jerk, Aeris has already been done many times over, Red XIII isn't even a HUMANOID, Sephiroth is evil (oh, boo hoo), and anything from Final Fantasy VIII is too un-anime for me. (Waiting until Final Fantasy IX....)

Second, he gets absolutely NO RESPECT from Final Fantasy fans and programmers alike. You know what I'm talking about. You program a guy into the series consistently, only to have him consistently DIE, and what else do you suspect?! (Note to Antilles fans: Is this necessarily praise, or what?) This site will *hopefully* change all of that and get the roly-poly wonder the respect he deserves.

So what's on this site? Look below for the History! Ja ne!

7-15-2000 Chapter 17!

Okay, after a very long wait and a bit of writer's block, chapter 17 of Wedge: Lifestream is now complete! Enjoy!

7-11-2000 New Trinkets!

Hey, I just got a counter! If you want to see how many people have been here (or lack thereof,) you can check at the bottom of the page! Oh, and expect chapter 17 of the Wedge: Lifestream fanfic to be added in a few days!

7-8-2000 Grand Opening!

Hello, all you web surfers out there! This is the grand opening of The Wedge Page, and needless to say, it's always going to be under major construction. (Isn't that true of ANY site out there?) Anyway, here's a little intro to each of the sections:

The Wedge Fanfic is the home of, well, my own fanfic I wrote about Wedge. Keep in mind that it is not going to be completed for a long time. However, you can read the first 17 or so chapters of it there. It's a big read.
About Wedge is my answer to all those pages that think they can get away with having only statistical info on characters on their site. (Height, weight, age, fave color, etc.) Here are the vital statistics about Wedge.
Hey, I'm only in high shcool, you know. I still have to write papers for English class. What to do? I know! I'll write about Wedge! And here is where you'll see the products of my school assignments! (Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.) COMING SOON!
Well, OBVIOUSLY if this is the first ever upload for this site, this won't really be working for you. However, if you send me an E-mail with "Ask Wedge" in the subject line, and ask him for advice on something, I'll post it on this page. Don't ask me how I forward E-mail to a dead guy, I just write about him.
Well, if you're really in that much of a hurry to leave, I've done the homework for you, and you can get to the best Dragonbsll, Pokemon, and Final Fantasy sites I know of here.
I don't have much here yet, but I will eventually have an awards section, a Webring, and other stuff.

You know what? [Aaddzz Counter]visitors have already been to to the Wedge Page since 7-11-2000!


If you can't see the marquee above, or forgot already, this site was last updated on 7-15-2000. Here is all the stuff that makes this page at least a bit more like a full blown website. (If you have to ask, this page is best viewed by 800 X 600 resolution and 16-bit color. It's good to have a cool computer! ;-P )


This page was created by Wedge-kun (Chris Mikesell.) Please do not use any of my images unless you want to use them to link to my site and/or fanfics. Just give me credit for the work. If you must know how I made them, I used Word to type the fanfics and 3d-Impact Pro from to make the pictures. Ja ne!


If you can read this, you've gone too far down the page.