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Song Playing:
~Gentle Shepherd~

Welcome To...

"Then Came The Light"

Here you will find part of
my Journals that I have kept
since November 5 of 1985

I made this site so
I could share God's unconditional
love, grace, forgiveness and His peace

Each of us are so special to Him
and each of us could write
our own book if we would not
fear what others would think of us

We all have our own stories
and there are many pages
in our lives.

My life is not so very
different from any one else

Oh, the addictions or
problems may be called by different
names but each of us have
something that holds
us captive

It may be some type
of drugs, either prescription
or illegal drugs,
or alcohol but it is still
an addiction and it still has a
hold on us

As a child and a teenager, I was
happiest when I was alone.
I could write little
poems or sit at the beach
and watch the ships coming
in and leaving the harbor
How I wished I was on one of

I was insecure and for as
long as I could remember I
never felt loved, or needed
unless it was to be used by
someone else to fulfill their own

There are pages in all of our
lives that we wish we could tear
out and burn!
But none of us walk through this
life without pain, in some form
or other

There is no way of getting through life without some kind
of pain

Some of us hurt in
silence while others cry
out for help.

Either way, we need to open
our eyes and hearts to see
another's pain.

Sometimes what we have had to
face will help someone else along
the way if only to let them
know that they are not
alone and that there is hope
As long as we never lose
hope, we can make it one
more day...

If I have learned anything
in these past 56 years
it is that each chapter,
each tattered page
has something that we can
learn from, even from
the pages that caused so
much pain for ourselves or others

Maybe in our tear stained pages
others will see a part of
themselves intertwined through
the turned down corners...

The first chapter in my
life begins with...

"What Is Your Name Child?"

I was adopted when I
was 7 years old. I hope you
will enjoy reading
these pages from my prayer journal...

"Then Came The Light"

I took many wrong paths before
I met the Man that gave my life
real meaning and for the first
time in my life I knew just
how much I was loved.
And what He is willing to do to
get our attention

May you find peace, love, and
comfort for your spirit as
you travel through the
pages of...

"Then Came The Light"

I hope once you visit you
will return often and please
feel free to share any and all of
these pages with your friends
and family...

I would love to hear from you

† E-Mail †

God bless you

This site has been totally inspired
by the Holy Spirit

What Is Your Name Child?"

My Testimony

Pen And Paper

With Correction Comes Love

Close To You, Lord

Here I am Lord

Resting In His Spirit

Be Full of Courage

Be Sitll And Listen

Talk With Me

Jesus You Are My Lord

Jesus Is Lord

I Hear The Cry For Peace

I Have Called You

You Are Special

I Am Here, Fear Not

~ New March 2002 ~

The Third Person of The Trinity

Awards Received

The beautiful art is by:
Danny Hahlbohm