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My mother, Carrol Ann Baker, was born April 5, 1945. She was the fifth child, just like me. Her brother, Irwyn (pictured below) was born two years later, and their mother, Naomi Mincks passed away not long after this photo was taken. My grandfather, George Mincks lived to a ripe old age, passing away when I was five years old in 1978. For his life story click here.

Grandpa George Allen Mincks w/ Grandma Naomi Viola Wilson Mincks w/ baby Uncle Irwyn


George Allen Mincks and Naomi Viola Mincks had six children, Fonda Mae Schmidt, Robert Mincks, David Mincks, Clarence Dean Mincks, Carrol Ann Baker, and Irwyn Mincks.

My mom is a strong woman. She has had five children and is the grandmother of eight, four girls and four boys. She was always home for me, and her diligence with her faith and her example as a stay at home mother has laid the groundwork for what I strive to be today. She is soft-spoken and very shy, but when you are close to her, and I like to think I am, she is full of vim and vigor and has a fun sense of humor. She is always available when I need someone to talk to. She is my main resource from recipes to childcare. Whenever I am feeling down, I can call her and she will listen. She says she never had a mother, because when she was four years old, Naomi Mincks passed away at age 36, leaving a bereaved husband and six children. They were a poor family. Grandmother Naomi passed away at home, suffering from ovarian cancer. She died in my grandfather's arms. My mom has no memory of her mother. Her first vivid memory is of her mother's mattress being burned. She was raised by my grandfather, and they were very close up until his death. He was her best friend and like I confide in her, she confided in him.

In 1963, she attended our church's annual campmeeting in Portland, Oregon. She volunteered to work in the kitchen washing pots and pans, and there she saw a handsome young man, who stood 6 feet with thick blonde hair swept back off his forehead, blue eyes, dimples and broad shoulders. He was very charming and outgoing while she was quiet and shy. They had a whirlwind romance and were married nine months later, April 4, 1964. His name is Charles Carter Baker, my dad. She turned 19 a day after their wedding and nine months after they were wed, my eldest sister Annette Marie Paiva graced the world. In the next 9 years, mom kept busy taking care of her home, her husband and her rapidly growing family.

Charles Carter Baker and Carrol Ann Baker have five children, Annette Marie Paiva, Penny Sue Solomon, Jonathan Allen Baker, David Ryan Baker, and Sandra Lynn Santana (me).

Both Annie and Penny married young. Penny married first at just barely 18, to Mark Wayne Solomon. Annie married a few years later at age 21, to John Luis Paiva. At Annie's wedding, Penny's first child, Carrol's first grandchild, Cassandra Beth Solomon was a few weeks old.

Mark and Penny lived several years in Pacifica, California until they relocated with their two children, Cassandra Beth and Jesse Carter Solomon, to where Mark grew up, Medford, Oregon where they still reside today. Mark keeps very busy with his painting business and Penny works part time in food service for a local school. Cassie is a busy teenager in high school and Jesse is the eldest living grandson, keeping busy with his pets.

John and Annie lived several years in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, where John grew up. They rapidly had a large family, Carrie Suzanna, Bryan David, Sean Michael and Jason Aaron Paiva. In 1994, they relocated to the USA, to Eureka where they took over a janitorial business. Annie works on call part time in food service for several local schools and is partners with John in the janitorial business. Their eldest son, Bryan had a fatal accident at age six. He was Carrol's first grandson and is very much missed.

Jonathan left home several times after high school, but always came back and is now living in Eureka. He is a floor installer.

David finished high school, and started work at the lumber yard where Dad has worked for the last 20 some odd years. He is currently living near Sacramento working in a saw mill.

Sandra (that's me) left home at age 18 to live in Seattle, Washington. I worked for 3 1/2 years as a legal secretary. I married at age 21 to Abraham DeJesus Santana. We relocated to Eureka in 1998 with our 3 month old daughter Sophia Carissa. I gave birth to daughter Evelyn Sara in March, 2000. Our most recent addition to the family, is Jonah Silas Santana, born January 30, 2002. I am currently a stay at home mom.